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"Why didn't you told me that you are not going with Swara in the party" laksh barged into sanskaar's room. He raised his eyes from his book to look in his direction and chuckle seeing him sitting with angry pout. " Why are you bothered bhai..??" asked he again looking into his book. " Woh...I ...Woh ..main...I was thinking to go with her" laksh stuttered. Sanskaar raised his eyebrow and he smile nervously. "Btw with whom you are going..??" asked he. "Ragini.." " Mishu's sister...!!That kiddo...!!" asked he and he nodded laughing. " You are laughing...!!" he look surprised. " You know bhai...she told me that she will go with me in the party because I am her only boyfriend here.." "You are her BOYFRIEND" Dp barged into room with wide eyes. " Dad...!! Eavesdropping is really bad" laksh gave a look to dp . "You two were not telling me about your love life naaa...!!! That's why.." said he with a sheepish smile. Both shakes their head giving him unbeliveable look. Sanskaar narrated them her BOY FRIEND logic and they laugh. " She is cute , I want to be her boyfriend too..!!" dp declared. "What....!!"sanskaar almost shouted. " Are I mean boy as a friend...!! Don't you know I am too handsome to be your father.." said dp adjusted his imaginary collar.Laksh chuckle and sanskaar look at his dad in disbelief.

Swara was sitting in class blushing profusely. Ragkaj came there and smile naughtily. "You know ragu, that sanskaar's brother..He was asking a girl for the party" kaju wink at ragini. Swara who was lost till now look at them and asked curiously " Who's that girl..??" " His classmate...You know she is very pretty" Ragini said smiling. Swara twist her lips and sat all grumpy " So, why should I care..Let him go with anyone he wants" Ragkaj chuckled and give hifi below their desk.

"Class is about to start, where is he..??"ragini look here n there. "Who..??" asked swara confused. "Her boyfriend....!!" said kaju teasingly. " Ragu...!! You made a boyfriend and you didn't even tell me.. tell me who is he!!" swara wide her eyes. " You know him...He is your boyfriend too naa..!!" said ragini innocently. Swara coughed and kajal giggled. " Look whose here, Our boyfriend..!!" Kajal exclaim loudly when sanskaar enter into the class.All class look at him weirdly and he make his way towards their table. " What was that..!!" he wiggles his brows.Before kajal replied ragini questioned. " Why are you late..?? Bookworms should be in class before time naa..!!"  Swakaj giggled and he gave them a glare. Teacher entered and all settled on their seats immediately.

" Oye bookworm...Class is over and it's lunch time " said ragini sitting beside sanskaar. " Don't call me that " he twist his lips. "Awww.. You look cute when you make that face" She look at him in awe and he glare at her. "When I first time met you...I never thought you will talk like this one day" said he shooking his head. " Then what did you thought about me..??" she look at him curious. He remembered her innocent face from the first day of college and smile. " Nothing...Let's go to canteen and have something" he close his book and sauntered from there. Ragini look into his direction confused then murmured "weird".

"Ragini ...we came here to eat food not your stupid chocolate...This is the third one you are eating" sanskaar snatched her chocolate and cover it in a napkin and put in his bag. "Hey....My Chocolate ...!! Give me back..!! And don't call it stupid...!! Ever...!!" she glared him and he chuckled. " How can you eat this much chocolate in a day yaar.." he made a disgusted face. " You don't know how to eat it, That's why you are telling like that.." she make irritated face. " Is there a way to eat a stu..(ragini glare and he gave a tight smile) i mean sweetheart chocolate.." said he chuckling. " Yaaaa...You don't know naaa...!! Don't worry I will teach you.." said she excited. He laugh but nodded his head. " Okay but first eat this sandwich.. I will learn eating chocolate some other day" said he the last part sarcastically. Ragini not getting his sarcasm smile happily and turn her attention on her food.

Swakaj was coming back from library when swara bumped into laksh. " Can't you see idiot.." she glare him. " Hey.. I was coming to you only" said he ignoring her glare. " I don't want to talk to you " said she angrily. 'What...!! But why...??? Yesterday only we became friends naa...!!!" he look confused. " Haan , but now you are not my friend..!! Because you even didn't tell me that you asked someone to be your partner for freshers " said she glaring at him and kajal giggled. " Are but , when did I ask..??" he look confused. " You didn't ask ..??" she look innocently. Kajal give them privacy and left from there. "I was about to ask you..!!!" said he nervously. Swara look at him shocked .He nodded innocently and she smile.

" Oye bookworm, Drop me home today. Jannu is going with jeejs " said ragini munching chocolate. Sanskaar look at her like there are horns on her head. " You asked me or ordered me..??" he put his hand on his waist looking expectantly . "Ordered you" said she casually. He look at her shocked and twist his lips. "And why should I listen to you..??" " Because you are my friend now..!! And I will be teaching you how to eat chocolate for free " she smirk at him. "Did you just smirk at me...!!!" asked he wondered. Ragini chuckled and he nodded his head in disbelief.

" You know Dad also want to be your boyfriend." sanskaar chuckled when they were on their way to her home. " Really...!! So when are you making us meet.." asked she happily. " Seriously..!! I thought you will laugh listening this." said he surprised. " No..!! Jannu told me that laksh's family is really cool..!! So I too want to meet them " said she excited . " Yaa.. too cool..!! Infact if dad is not cool naa..then mom will make him extra cool." said he laughing remembering ap pouring water jug on dp's head everytime. " Why are you laughing..??" asked she confused. " Nothing" said he shaking his head little. "From where you get these many chocolates..Didn't your jannu stop you..!!" asked he looking into mirror when he saw ragini opening new chocolate. " Jannu only brought me all these " said she gigling. "What..!! Why..?? I mean how she can brought you so many chocolates for a day" asked he . " I told her if she didn't give me these..I will tell Maa about Jeejs.." said she sheepishly and he just nodded his head in disbelief thinking how many shades of her left to see.

Mishu entered in room smiling widely. "Why are you so happy mishu di..??" asked avi looking at her keenly. " After jeejs proposal she always seems happy avi " said ragini munching her chocolate.Mishu wide her eyes and and ragini bite her tongue and gave a sheepish smile to her. "What is going on..??" avi folds his hand across his chest. Mishu pouted and tell everything to avi. " I want to meet him " said avi sternly and ragini giggled. " I want to see how is he in person and he will keep you happy or not..!! I can't give my sister's hand to any random guy." said he twisting his lips. "Awww...Mera chotu bachha " mishu engulfed him in a hug and ragini pouted. " You too come.. Blackmailer" said mishu laughing. Ragini giggled and joined them in group hug.

Adi entered in his house and look at kajal who was sitting in a corner hiding her face in her knees. He got concerned and about to go to her when he listen some voice and turned around.

 He got concerned and about to go to her when he listen some voice and turned around

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"Dadi.." adi smile wide and hug the lady in her 60's. " When did you come back..?? " asked he grinning. " 3 days ago..!! I was about to come here directly but got some work..!! So I just came here now. " said she smiling back. Then turn her gaze to kajal who was sitting in corner and snort " What is she doing there..?? Didn't even wish me..!!" said she pretending sad to him. Adi too look at her and his concern turn into anger. "Don't know what is your problem with dadi kaj..I wish you too love dadi like me..!!So I get no reason to be angry with you. I miss my little sister. I miss you kaj..!! But I can't treat you good till you respect dadi..!! " thought adi and hold his dadi's hand and left from there.

Do tell me how is it.

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Till then
Be happy n keep smiling.

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