Chapter Six: Searching for Info

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It was the night of the field research behind the Station, Yukari was excited to do something other than following orders while Junpei was too afraid of them being there. And before they left the dorms, Yukari turned around to face the three boys. 

Yukari: …Alright, let’s get going. 

Junpei: What’s your hurry? …I still think this is a bad idea. How could you be afraid of ghosts, but not be scared of this…? 

Masato: You’re just like her, Junpei. You’re not afraid of ghosts, but you’re so scared of just going to where thugs hang out at night. 

Yukari: He’s right. It’s easy to get freaked out by something you can’t see, don’tcha think? 

Junpei: Actually, I’m more worried about things I CAN see… like bats and knives! 

Yukari: *sigh* Big deal, so it’s a little “dangerous”... Come on, it’ll be an adventure! 

She exclaimed with a smile before she opened the doors and she walked out of the dorms while Junpei was still scared to go as Makoto and Masato stood there. 

Junpei: More like a suicide mission. 

He mumbled before he hesitated to walk out of the dorms but Masato sighed as he had to push him out as Makoto stayed silent as he walked behind the two. And not before long, the group arrived behind Tatsumi Port Station as the punks there were eyeing them coldly and glaring as that made Junpei more scared. 

“...The hell?” 

“Check out those rags… They’re from Gekko High.” 

Junpei: Oh man, this is worse than I thought… 

He groaned as they followed Yukari who was stopped by the two male punks as they blocked the path through as Junpei’s face paled even more. 

“Hey, you. I think you’re in the wrong place.” 

Junpei: Uh… Well, I… 

He whimpered in fear as the punk started to laugh at his voice as one thug walked closer to Yukari, who quickly hid behind Makoto, who wasn’t showing any emotion while Masato was grabbing something in his pocket. 

“You don’t belong here…. Get it? Beat it, Goatee…” 

Junpei: G-Goatee? Oh, y-you mean me… 

Yukari: We don’t need your permission to be here. 

Junpei: H-Hey! Are you nuts!? Take a look around you! I’m not blind, ya know. Come on, don’t be intimidated by these scum! 

“What was that?” 

“She just called us “scum.” 

“Let’s get ‘em. Who cares where they’re from!?” 

“We’ll post some pictures that will make her daddy cry! She’ll wish she was never born!” 

“Hahahaha! Oh, that’s so clever!” 

The two punk girls mocked Yukari as the word “dad” caused her to glare at them as she gripped her hand that almost went into a fist. 

Yukari: These guys are the worst… 

“You oughta learn to shut that trap of yours. Man, I feel sorry for you, Goatee. This bitch is a pain in the ass… Huh?!” 

The punk mocked Junpei but before the punk could punch Junpei in the stomach, Masato grabbed the fist and sent the man flying into the wall. 

Junpei: What the-?! Masato, you did that?! 

Masato: Of course, I did that. I saw that you were about to be injured by him so I did it way worse. 

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