Chapter Twenty: Calm Before The Storm

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A few weeks after Ken returned back to the Team, it was time for finals as everyone but Junpei had no trouble with. And as they waited for the last full moon, Fuuka was currently in class as Mr. Ekoda was speaking about Classic Lit when Natsiki noticed that Fuuka seemed a bit down. 

Natsuki: What’s wrong, Fuuka? You look kinda down. 

Fuuka: Huh…? 

Natsuki: Talk to me. Tell me what’s bothering you. 

Fuuka: …It’s about Aragaki-senpai… 

Natsuki: Oh… Pretty shocking, huh…?
Natsuki: Oh… Pretty shocking, huh…? I’ve never seen him at school, but I’ve seen him around town… I wonder if he really did get caught up in some kind of crime…

Fuuka: Some things you can never get back… I know that, from all the things that have happened with my parents.
I’ve sort of been avoiding the question… but is it okay for me to go on like this? 

Natsuki: Parents, huh…? I can relate to that. But, you’ll be okay, right? 

She asked as Fuuka looked at her confused as Mr. Ekoda finished his lesson as he glanced in Natsuki’s direction. 

Mr. Ekoda: Natsuki, what are you waiting for? Come on up. 

Natsuki: Yeah, yeah. 

Mr. Ekoda: *sigh* Don’t you want to give your classmates a proper goodbye? 

Fuuka: Huh? What’s going on? 

Natsuki: Uhhh, hello, everyone. I know it hasn’t been that long, but I feel like I’ve made some good friends. I’ll remember each and every one of you, even after I transfer. Thank you. …How’s that? 

Fuuka: Transfer… WHAT!? 

She loudly shouted in shock hearing that Natsuki was transferring schools as her voice caught everyone’s attention as it made her look down. And after the later classes, Fuuka and Natsuki sat on two small benches on the school’s roof for lunch as Natsuki broke the silence between them. 

Natsuki: You’re a weird one, y’know? The biggest bully in the school is leaving, and you feel sorry for her. 

Fuuka: …You’re transferring… and you didn’t say anything…? 

Natsuki: It’s not like telling you would’ve changed anything. Why make us both depressed? Anyway, my dad’s pretty sick…  And they say it’ll take some time for him to recover… We don’t really have that much money, so we can’t afford to stay here. Y’know, I still think you’re crazy for being friends with someone like me… But, like I said before… we’re both in the same boat. My parents act like I don’t even exist. …I hate living at home. That’s why I was so jealous when you moved into the dorm. 

Fuuka: Natsuki-chan… 

Natsuki: But, Fuuka… Your house is nearby and your parents are pretty normal. So, why’d you move? 

Fuuka: Huh…? Well… um…. 

Natsuki: If you don’t wanna tell me, that’s okay. …But if it’s something that you and your folks can work out, then do it while you have the chance. It’ll be a while before my dad’s in any condition for us to have a heart to heart. 

Fuuka: …. 

Natsuki: Haha, what am I doing? This isn’t what I wanted to talk about. Y’know, Fuuka… I used to think that every day was just the same. And I’m only saying this because it’s you… But, you don’t get any second chances in life. If you accept the way things are, then they’ll never change… This is the last time I’ll see this view, huh… I won’t be in school next week ‘cause I’ll be packing, so… I guess this is goodbye. 

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