Bloodlust Chapter 5 Scrapped part

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Since chapter 5 was out ages ago, here's a scrapped bit! There was meant to be a swimming pool in the hotel lol





"Eeugh... that speaker was, like, creepy as hell, its voice made me shiver!" Match grimaced, clutching onto her swimming towel as she crossed her arms with a bit of fear.

"Eh, whatever!" Pencil shrugged. "We're gonna go swimming anyways and that's not scary at all! Right Ruby?"


"Wait, where is Ruby?" Pencil paused with confusion before seeing Ruby in the distance, ready to  jump into the pool.

"She's there!" Match replied, pointing towards the pool, which Ruby had already jumped into.

"Yeah, I just noticed that..." She added, rolling her eyes with the slightest bit of attitude.

As they approached the edge of the pool, Pencil felt excitement travel up her spine quickly, grinning as she smelt the  chlorinated air coming from the water. She always loved swimming anyways...

That might change soon.

"Alright, let's go!" Pencil beamed, raising her arms up into the air as she prepared to dive into the cool blue waters.

"You coming... Match?"

"Meh..." She groaned as she set her towel on the floor before laying on it.

"I don't wanna go in that, like, gross pool water!" Match yelled, holding her mouth as she was about to throw up.

"Why? There's nothing wrong with it."

"That pool water is going to ruin my skin, I don't wanna, like, break out!"

Pencil stared at Match with an unsurprised look before turning back to face the pool, bending her legs before quickly springing up into the air.

"This is so much fun!" She exclaimed to herself with a huge grin as she span gracefully in the air before plunging headfirst into the water with a giant splash.

Pencil lifted her head out of the water, laughing with excitement before turning back to Match, who was glumly laying on her towel.

"Match, you sure you don't wanna come in? The water's fine!" Pencil asked as she swam back to the rim of the pool where Match was.

"Nope!" She grunted defiantly.

Match hated swimming pools. She hated the thought of it, the feel of it, the look of it, it was disgusting, terrible, gross, horri-

"Hahah! Hah!" Pencil laughed aggressively as she stopped a handful of water onto her hand, splashing it onto Match.

And suddenly... her nightmare came true. POOL WATER...

Match let out a loud gasp as the chlorinated water slowly dripped down her face, the disgusting bits of the substance plopping onto her hand one drop at a time.

"E-Eeugh..." Match gagged, holding her mouth as she felt her stomach churn.

"Oh come on Match, you're scared of a bit of water?!" Pencil teased, her eyes glinting with mischievousness as she grinned cheekily.

"Oh, you silly Pencil!! I'm not letting you go scot-free!" Match snapped back before suddenly emerging from the ground, running towards the pool equipment cupboard at the back of the pool.

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