Title page of a colorised comic adaptation of Chapter 4 coming super soon! ❤️
20b progress updates:
- Just to let you all know, this chapter is by far the longest in the entire book - so stay tuned for that 😝😝
- Also, by the look of things, this may take me yet another week to publish 😕 sorry 😭😭
- lots of angst and some ships(?) to come! stay tuned! also more of the 'EXIT Interviews', and definitely content of characters that I like a lot - Liy(duh lol), Pen, Marker 😁, Pencil, and a few more EXITors!
So, that's all I have to say, make sure to stay super tuned!!
Dean, out!
art and more ✨✨
Randomaka. dean's silly little artbook (which doesn't only include art) 🤠 !! mostly a lol-posting book though