01 • | gone boy

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This was a rather..awkward situation, Toge and Panda just came back from the Tokyo airport, they had just finished seeing Yuuta off, and he won't be coming back anytime soon. Unfortunately Maki was sent out on a quick mission and wasn't around to see Yuuta before he left. Toge and Panda are now back at Jujutsu high and are met with an infuriated Maki.

"he went to Africa..?"Maki glares at them. "....." was the reply from panda and Toge. "..HE WENT TO AFRICA?!"Maki snaps at them. "...Okaka.." Toge said before nodding. Unbelievable..why did he just go like that? Is it a mission? Did he even get a signed consent from Gojo sensei? Maki takes a few deep breaths in attempt to calm herself. "When is he coming back..?"she asked. "Dunno" Panda answers idly,his response making a vein appear at the side of Maki's forehead. "...he didn't want you to know.."Panda adds scratches the back of his head, waiting for Maki's reply.

"He what?"


"He didn't want you to know" Panda repeats now smiling. "Why?"Maki asked clearly still angry. "..cause he knew you'd react exactly like this."Panda says looking at Toge. "...Tsujiko.."he replied. "Of course I heard you the first time , I mean I just-"Maki stops yelling to sigh. After fully processing Okkotsu's departure, she walks back to class alone, the dark empty halls only add to her foul mood. Maki pulls out her phone, she calls Yuuta who picks up almost instantly.

"..Maki-san, h-how are you?!"Yuuta beams from the other line sounding excited.

"Don't you how are you? me you idiot!"


"What are you doing in Africa..?"Maki asks, sounding slightly irritated, she also hears what sounds like a market or people trading, at Yuuta's end.Yuuta was a really shy and awkward person and Maki and the rest knew this, he could barely cope here at Jujutsu high with his social anxiety and the whole Rika thing..how the heck would he survive survive in a different continent? Yuuta went silent on the other end at Maki's question.

"Well?"she asks.

"Ah..well..um..how about you?How was your mission?"Yuuta asks.

"Don't try and change the subject!"Maki snaps.

"..Sorry.."Yuuta's voice sounds gentle and genuine, making about 90% of Maki's anger melt away. He always did this to her, he had an ability of calming her down without even trying. Panda and Toge weren't really good in this area and had to bear the brunt of Maki's rage."..Panda says you didn't want me to know."Maki said to him, but Yuuta stays silent again.


"Oh s-sorry..you were saying...?"

"Panda said you didn't want me to  know about you leaving.."


hey sweetie's I know this chapter was pretty 'meh' and bland but I need a reason to keep writing, so uh..yeah😄.

Next chapter drops next week.

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