04 • | Intrude pt 2

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In the blink of an eye, Maki gets up and locks her door shut. "come on Maki-san.." she hears a his voice again, making her even more alert. "You're not gonna let me in?" Yuuta says sounding playfully offended,alas he was serious about before, Maki didn't believe it at first, but she has to come to terms with it now. Okkotsu Yuuta was outside her door.




"Should I...break the door down..?"

"No, you idiot!" She yells.

He laughs a little."Figured.."

Maki starts pacing around her room. So, Yuuta is in Japan now..? “Okay, okay, why didn't Panda or Toge say anything about this? Did they even know anything about this? Also..” She looks at the door, still a bit confused to why Yuuta's here, and why didn't he just wait till tomorrow..? Does anyone else even know he's back now..?


"Shut up! I'm thinking!" She snaps.

"Okay~ I'll be waiting"

Maki sighs, and why does he sound so damn happy..?? Idiot...maybe she should let him in..? Ughh.. But after a while, Maki hears another voice outside her room, just beyond her door, it was Nobara. "Hey! excuse me but what're you doing here?! this is the female quaters..."Nobara grits her teeth at the site of a male being here at this time. "Oh..well..um.."Yuuta can't really think of anything to defend himself. Maki chooses to do nothing, maybe the little situation will uh... resolve itself? but to Maki's dismay, she just hears more angry replies from Nobara.

.Maki having overhead the interaction between them get ever louder, more on Nobara's part, finally decides to just unlock the door.. she's a bit hesitant as she walks towards to door, she unlocks it anyways, the door swings open and Yuuta hides behind Maki in a flash, despite being taller than her.

"..Maki-san..why does this girl have.. n-nails with her?..that's just..it's just unnatural!" Yuuta shakes his head. Maki gasps finally seeing him, gasps a little. "G-get off me!"Maki moves away, making Yuuta lose his human shield..Yuuta composes himself as she turns to face him now.
".. it's..."Yuuta looks at her smiling sweetly "really good to see you again.. Maki-san".Maki just stares at him, slightly lost for words, her mind went a little blank from his words.

"Maki-chan" Nobara enters the room, her aura menacingly fuming,making Yuuta flinch with a nervous smile. "This creep was bugging you...wasn't he??"Nobara brings out another one of her nails, this one now covered in blue cursed energy,he must've really pissed her off. Maki needs to clear this up so they can make headway.

7 minutes later.

Maki and Nobara and sitting on Maki's bed, looking at the black haired guy kneeling in front of them, like judged about to give an offender their sentence.
"..so um..yeah..I just came to see you.. Maki-san"Yuuta says scratching the back of his head. "You're such an idiot.."Maki says shaking her head, he really is back now..right in front of her and Maki has to admit..Kenya really did one hell of a job with him..he looks so..ugh.. don't even think about it.

Yuuta notices Maki just staring at him, almost as if she's trying to analyze the poor boy, he tilts his head little at her. "Maki-san?"..Maki clears her throat and quickly averts her gaze, he laughs a little in response but Nobara doesn't buy his  'good guy' bit for one second. "..and you're a student here..?"She says narrowing her chestnut eys at him

"Yes, I'm..Okkotsu Yuuta"

"Kugisaki Nobara"

"..n-nice to meet you Nobara-chan.."

"That's 'sama' to you!"

Yuuta sweatdrops and corrects himself "nice to meet you, Nobara-sama"

Soo..I made a part 2..


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