03 • | Intrude

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Well..It's just another one of those cold nights in the Jujutsu high student dorms, located at right next to Nobara's room is Maki's room. Maki had loosened her hair from the usual ponytail and let it be free, she was tired and a still little annoyed at how useless Gojo was earlier, after pacing around her room she sits on her bed staring at the floor.

it should be about 1:34 now...This might actually be the year she gets her big promotion, a grade 1 soccer..and finally get suck it to the Zenin clan. The sound of her phone ringing brings Maki out of her thoughts..it's so loud, pretty sure she left it on vibrate..Maki doesn't even bother answering it, she's wayy to exhausted to deal with whoever is calling her at this hour.

The phone keeps ringing, and with an annoyed groan she picks up the call. "WHAT!??"Maki yelled, there's silence on the other line for a brief moment. "..oh no..is this a bad time?" Yuuta sounds super sorry. "I'm so, so, sorry.. I'll call you back-". So it was Yuuta..why was he even calling her? she thought he was too busy to talking to Fire-apple..or Icy-mango..or whatever that stupid giraffes name was.

"What is it?" Maki says blankly. Yuuta perks up."well, what if I told you..I was coming back right now?".This kinda caught Maki off guard, was he implying that he wanted to come back..?or he is coming back..? or something else..? ."Yeah..what if you did?"Maki says. "..how would you react..?..I'm standing right outside your door.".Maki is silent at his bold claim,outside my door? ",oh please"she says. She knows he's a special grade, but he ain't no teleporter. "Nice try, but unless Rika threw you from Africa to Japan, I'm not buying it."Maki rolls her eyes.

"Wha?! I'm being serious here Maki-san!"

"Oh yeah? Then prove it".

Right after Maki says that, she hears a gentle knock on her door, the knocking continues for a while but stops, this was so freaking weird.she raises a brow. It couldn't possibly be..? Come on now..It's not possible, the flight from Kenya to Japan is at least 8 hours..and I know the the airline he's using, they aren't any arrivals like that.."Yuta, I swear..."Maki threatened. "But I'm doing what you said.."He protests sounding a little excited.


"You said I should prove it, and so I did..by knocking..butttt..I think going into your room will seal the deal..I really am here Maki-san.."


Heyy shippers, I was a bit late, so I'm trying to make this the next big Yuutamaki story, it's doing alot better than I expected and I'm super grateful for all the positive comments, that's what's keeping me going~

And a Yuuta pic, for your troubles

And a Yuuta pic, for your troubles

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