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            Every fire starts off small

Innocent people were dying, districts were being burnt to the ground and Valerie could only sit by and watch it.

"Why are you killing all of these people father?" She asked him, an angry expression across her face. "Because it needs to happen darling." He replied slowly. "No you need this to happen because you're so obsessed with power and watching other people's lives fall apart. You don't even care about your own life or your daughter!" The girls tone got louder but her father stayed calmly. "I d-" the man tried to finish what he was about to say but was immediately cut off. "No i don't want to hear it, save your voice for your speech. I'm going to my room." She said standing up and leaving the room in fury.

The girl huffed and sat on her bed wanting all of these stupid games to be over. She put her head in her hands and deeply sighed. Just as you know it her one and
only true friend, Theo enters the room.
"Hey Val, what's up with you?" He questions the girl with a concerned face. She lifted up her head from her hands and looked to the boy."Just my father as per usual. He's going to do another hunger games."His face dropped. "Again? God your dad can never stop" He said. "He's not my dad Theo" She said reminding the boy. Obviously the man was her dad but she didn't see him in that way. She just sees him as a man she lives with and only cares about her every so often. "Oh yeah, sorry" "I just don't understand why he's so obsessed with it. He wants me to be like them, someone i'm not. If i was i couldn't just stand there and watch innocent people get killed over wanting peace and these horrible games to end" "I know Val, i'm sorry you have to go through this." He walked over and sat my the girl on her bed before opening his arms for her to cuddle into. Valerie even found comfort in just being in his arms whether they were silent or talking. She enjoyed these moments with Theo, someone around her age who she can just talk to. It was nice to have in her life.

A PK knocked on the door and entered, "Miss Snow, your father wants you down in his office. He wants you there for his speech" The PK said before walking out. "I guess that's my queue" She said standing up, the feeling of warmth no longer wrapped around her like a blanket. "I'll wait here for you Val, i'll just watch the news in here if that's okay" "Yeah that's fine, i'll see you soon and you better keep my bed warm for when i get back!!" The girl said pointing her finger at the boy before leaving her room to head to her father's office. He threw a wink to her direction and she just chuckled.


"Father u don't have to do this, please." She said to the man. "It has to Val" He replied. "Don't call me Val." She said harshly, throwing a glare his way. The man just looked at her daughter and walked towards the platform.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the 75th year of the Hunger games. And it was written in the charter of the Games, that every year would be a Quater Quell 69 keep fresh for each new generation the memory of those who died in the uprising against the capitol. Each Quater Quell is distinguished by Games of a special significance. And now, on this the 75th anniversary of our defeat of the rebellion, we celebrate the Quater Quell" The crowd erupted with cheer. Valerie let out a shaky sigh as she knew what was coming next, she felt uneasy at the stomach considering she despised the games. "...As a reminder that even the strongest cannot overcome the power of the Capitol. On this, the third Quater Quell Games, the male and female Tributes are to be reaped from the existing pool of Victors in each district." The audience clampoured and Valerie stood there in disbelief of her father's actions."Victors shall present themselves on Reaping Day regardless off age, state of health or situation."

She couldn't believe what her father done or why he done it. This just makes her hate him more and more everyday. He stood there proud of what he has done and all she could do was stare at him in hatred.

The huntress- peeta mellarkWhere stories live. Discover now