Chapter 1

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More and more people arrived to the underground till it was completely filled

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More and more people arrived to the underground till it was completely filled. (Name) woke upp from his nap a while later when he looked around trying to find something to cure his boredom.

'That guy sure looks funny' he thought side eyeing a certain pinhead that walked around like a robot. Moving on was a guy with a Monkey.

'I'm not sure if the monkey would be useful for the Exam but sure...I'm not the one to judge'

How long was this going to take? No one knew but apparently he was the only impatient one. Frowning he let his head rest on his hands.

"Hey kiddo!!" Looking up (Name) was met with a chubby man who smiled at him kindly. He was holding what seemed to be some kind of juice in a can. It reeked quite a bit...

"Would you like some Juice? It's very hot down here with all the sweaty dudes and dudettes so here's something to cool you off!" He chatted cheerfully with the quite boy holding out the can while  (name) only glared at him.

Sweatdropping he retreated his hands.

"Well uh..."


"My name's Tonpa and..."



with an annoyed sigh Tonpa left while still feeling the obvious glare directed at him. Sighting (Name) just hugged his legs to himself trying to make himself as small as possible which failed horribly.

Looking up he was met with an overwhelming sight. A clown-like guy stared at him with an odd smile. Y/n squinted his eyes in disappointment because of the sudden attention directed at him. The clown simply waved and went away.

'Such odd people here, just let me pass this shit..' he frowned.

(Name) POV

"Strange atmosphere down here."  LIfting my head I saw a small group exciting the Elevator. My attention however was drawn to the guy in the middle who seemed to be younger than me.

'Why is his outfit in the worst shade of green?' I thought judging him in my head. I mean overall it isn't such a bad Outfit but that shade is really off putting....

"They clearly differ from the Hunter applicants we saw at the port and in the city."  It was the Brown haired guy who spoke this time. He wore a Suit which seemed quite...unnecessary for the Exam.? But I'm not the one to judge.

It was again the Green bean who handed the trio their number tag. I'm pretty sure they're the last people to arrive.

Standing up I dusted the dirt away that was stuck onto the fabric of my clothes as i again directed my attention to the trio. Tonpa came to them and handed each of them a drink.

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