Chapter 2

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While following Satotz, a fog covers the swamp.

(name) flew a bit higher to observe the way, forgetting to tell his newfound friends. He failed to see anything though from above, so he returned to the ground only to find the people around him gone. Confused, he looked around and called out to them before something wrapped around his wrist.

It was a vine. The witch yelped as he got tossed of his broom and somewhere towards a clearing. He landed with a loud crash onto the hard ground.

'_what the actuall fuck.'_

The boy sighed as he got onto his knees dusting of the dirt off him. He panicked when he realised his broom was nowhere to be seen.  Nice, now he was alone without no one around him and he doesn't have a single clue where Satoz is. Footsteps approached after a while and the boy put up his guard fumbling with his bag to get out his wand.
The steps sounded almost mechanical and (name) froze when he saw the purple head of Contestant #301 appear.  #301 was a Contestant that stood out to him before the Marathon began. The witch never dared to look at the Man-or creature..? But he always felt his stare no matter where he ran.

The Pinhead starred at him silently. Can he even talk? He didn't seem to attack him so (name) slowly got up from his knees and took a step back carefully. #301 didn't move, but something in (name)'s gut told him to come closer, so he stupidly did so. The Man immediately started walking somewhere so (name) quietly followed, not knowing if he would walk straight to his death.

It's been a few moments since they started walking.
"You're not quite the talker, right?" (Name) asked a bit nervous, waiting for any kind of answer. However when he didn't receive one he sighed.

Every step #301 took (name) could hear his neck twisting and cracking making Jim kind of nauseous. Soon they reached a clearing where Satoz and a few others stood and (name) saw the jester carrying Leorio. With a smirk, the clown dropped Leorio before calling out to #301.
"Finally, you're here, Gittarakur."

'So his name is Gittarakur-'_

"(Name) what are you doing over here with Hisoka?" A bit startled (name) turned around to meet the Kurta from before.

"Who's Hisoka?"

"Number 44#?"

"Oh! So that's his name."

Kurapika stared at the Kagari before dragging him back to the Group silently. He didn't go towards them directly, though, and stood a bit further away when he turned to (name) to talk.)

"We need to talk," whispered Kurapika, staring at (name) with a serious face, making the Witch sweat a bit under his intense stare.


Suddenly, the Gates of a Manor seemed to open, and two  figures appeared.  It was a giant guy who was huge and a young woman with teal hair.

"Welcome to the Hunter Exams 2nd phase!" She said and sat down on a couch behind her.

"Wow! It looks like we have a lot of people this
year!" Said the guy behind her.

"Yes! It seems they might have some great
potential. Anyways my name is Menchi, and his
name is Buhara, and we will be the examiners of the second phase." She said and crossed her legs

Everyone was excited, and they were all asking
what might be the exam. (Name) was pretty curious, too, so he turned away from Kurapika to focus better.

"Ok, now that we have all the greetings out of the way, let the second phase begin," She said. "So what you are going to do is cook the thing that we request. The person who manages to satisfy both Chefs passes, " She said and smirked at us.

"What?! A cooking exam? What the hell? I came here to become a Blacklist Hunter. A person who chases criminals and murderers. Not to play in the kitchen!" A fat guy said, starting a riot of a lot of other contestants agreeing.

"Yeah, he is right! This is a Hunter Exam, not a cooking show!" another one said. It seemed like the woman had enough, so she spoke up.

"Now listen here, you little shit. This is MY Phase, and I am the examiner, so you are gonna do it MY way. UNDERSTAND?" The examiner who sounded angry screamed.
"Menchi, calm down." Buhara frowned when he spoke.

"Alright, I am calm. Go on your request first, " Muttered Menchi glared at the crowd before sitting back down.

"Ok for me. I request a roasted pig!" He said and started touching his stomach. He sure was a hungry guy.

"Now go, any kind of pig is fine." The woman dismissed them with a smirk, knowing that there was only one kind of pig in that forest.
Everyone was confused but then decided to go to the forest to look for pigs.

Kurapika and (name) regrouped with  the rest of the gang and split up to cover more ground after sliding down a hill.

While (name) was walking around trying to find any pig he decided to hide in a bush
because he heard a few oinks.

'_Wow...theyre huge...'__ He thought staring up at the Pigs that could easily crush him. But he wasn't scared. There were way crazier things he tamed. (Name) was about to attack when he saw Leorio run towards him with a big cloud of dust following him. When he looked closer, he saw even more pigs chasing him down, and for some reason, Leorio ran directly towards (name)'s hiding place.

"LEORIO what the FUCK." The witch exclaimed as he ran away to before climbing up a tree. He observed the pigs from above before fixing one that seemed a bit smaller so he jumped on it as quiet as possible.

He searched for a weak spit before attacking and tried his best to remain seated on the wild animal before he heard Gon's voice.

"Head! Hit them on the head! It's their weak  spot!"  Screamed the child, making his pig fall to the ground easily.

(Name) copied his action, mustering g up some strength to hit it exactly there with a branch he picked up before.

He yelped when he fell off the pig as it tumbled down and died.

Picking himself up, he stared at the now deceased pig, wondering how he should carry it.

'Oh yea-'

He got out his magic wand  secretly and casted a gravitation spell, making the pig's mass way lighter than before. He quickly returned his wand to his bag and carried his pig easily, and returned to the cooking pots.

Now he faces his last problem.

He can't cook.

Well, he was never taught how to cook...
He looked around at the other participants and copied their action. He watched as many got failed and gulped nervously, forgetting to turn down the heat. He panicked when his pork started forming a comically large flame. He felt the judging eyes of the examiners and heard a few laugh as he used an extinguisher to kill the flame.

He stared in horror at his burned pig and sighed. Is he gonna fail his mission all because he can't cook...


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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