The Interview

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Phil's POV

"Dan!" I call, "Hurry up, we're going to be late for the interview!"

"I'm coming!" I hear Dan call from in the bathroom.

About 3 min. later Dan finally walks into the lounge, " Come on Phil, what are you doing? We're going to be late!" Dan mocks, flashing me his dumb little smirk. But I really wasn't in the mood for this. I roll my eyes, " let's just go."

He stops smiling and looks at me questioningly, "uhh...okay?"

While we are on the underground, Dan looks at me like he wants to ask me something, but I pretend like I don't notice. I pull out my phone, trying to look busy, but I can't focus on my game. I have other things on my mind.

When we get to the interview, we're immediately escorted to the stage. While we quickly walk to the studio, our manager comes up behind us and hisses in our ears, "Where were you!? Your like, ten minutes late!" Dan and I, thank the lord for our conjoined minds, both say, " underground delay." in unison. She rolls her eyes, "Fine. But don't let it happen again."

We sit down on the couch by each other. We are greeted by a short, blond woman, who shakes our hands, " Hi there, I'm Emily. I am the interviewer for the day."

The camera man starts the countdown, " We're live in 5...4...3...2..."

He signals to Emily.

Emily, with a fake smile plastered onto her face, begins her obviously well-rehearsed script.

"Good morning all of our lovely viewers! Today I am joined here with Dan Howell, a.k.a Danisnotonfire..."

"Hello!" Dan says and waves to the camera.

"And Phil Lester, a.k.a Amazingphil."

I fake a grin, "Good morning news people!"

"So," she says, turning her body to face us, "It's great to have you two with us this morning. You guys were a little late I'm told, what happened?"

Dan, who has always been a better story teller than me, quickly lies, "There was an underground delay. I guess someone had messed with the track and it had to be moved out of the way." He jokingly adds, "At least they didn't get their heads stuck in the door."

A small smile grew on my face, but I quickly dropped it as soon as I heard Emily's obviously forced laugh.

Dan's POV

The interview continues like normal, except that there is about Phil. I'm going to ask him about it later. It's going fine till the last 5 minutes of the interview. Phil is just gazing around, until he does a double take on a dark corner and his eyes turn wide suddenly. I cut off Emily, who doesn't seem to be to happy about it, and look at Phil, " Hey, are you okay?"

Phil quickly replies, "yeah, I'm fine." He's still staring terrified at the corner.

"Are you sure? What's over there?" I question, unconvinced.

"Nothing! I'm fine!" He sharply shoots back.

"Phil-" I start, putting my hand on his shoulder.

He turns around suddenly and pushes me, hard. I fall backwards off the couch. He stands up and yells "Don't touch me!"

He looks like he is terrified. He runs off the stage, leaving Emily to try to nervously cover up what just happened and me on the floor, too shocked to move.

Author's note: This is my first time ever doing anything like this so please dont judge me too hard. Well i hope you enjoy this story! that is all. 

Update:Hey peoples. Sorry just wanted to fix some certain things. Ignore this loves

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