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Staring at the car in front of her, swallowing as the sun reflected off the blue tinted exterior, (Y/N) snapped out of her fear-filled trance when her mother, Miranda, stumbled past her with a rather heavy looking box in her arms, setting it down in the vehicle's truck with a sigh.

"You know, (Y/N), it'll be fine," Miranda smiled as she pushed her curly hair out of her face. "After what happened... I'll make sure that nothing will go wrong, okay?"

"Thanks... mom," she tried to return the look, however it coming out more strained.

Letting her expression shift into one of sympathy, Miranda gave her daughter a kiss on the forehead before walking back inside to get the last of her things. Looking back up at the house that she grew up in, (Y/N) said a silent goodbye before readjusting the crutches under her arms and limping toward the car, opening the door to collapse into the seat.

It felt unnatural to be in a car after so long.

Memories from that night always came flooding back to her, and she just wished that they'd stop. And the only way to do that was to get over this fear of hers. Trying to relax her stiffened muscles, she then thought back to the conversation she had about three weeks ago with Miranda, the woman suddenly springing it upon her that she had agreed to move in with this man that the latter had never met before, having been in a coma for the last six months until specified date where she was told that she'd be moving.

Propping her elbow on the window sill to then hold up her head with her fist, she exhaled softly.

And not to mention... this man has six sons!

I'll be the only girl my age there...

And I have to move schools?

     This is starting to feel as if the Gods or whoever are not looking down upon me favorably...

Since the drive to the man's house—who's name she found out was Takeshi Ramone—was about five hours from her old home, her muscles were numb and stiff, adding to an already grouchy mood, now not in the best state of mind when they finally pulled up into the driveway.

If she could even call it that.

It was more like a road with how out of the way it was, trees and the like dotting a field of pure green grass, soon the car stopping in front of a grandiose, traditional Japanese home that practically made her jaw drop. It was huge, at least four stories she presumed, with a fountain in front and a beautiful garden. Koi fish swam in the waters while bonsai trees surrounded it. Sandstone made up the pathway while a lighter material made up the house—the inside even more impressive. The wood flooring was a dark brown while the tatami walls were decorated with paintings, photos, and the like while other necessities like tables, couches, and TV's also made up the space.

(Y/n) was awe-struck.

"Mom... when did you get a sugar daddy?" She demanded in disbelief, Miranda rolling her eyes at the question.

"He was my boss of the company I worked at," she rolled her eyes, a light smile pulling at the corner of her lips. "He owns a multitude of them around the world, so of course he's going to be living comfortably."

"Straight out of a Wattpad story, mom..." she muttered under her breath.

     "What was that?"


     The twos' gazes were drawn toward the right when a door opened and a man hurried out, spotting Miranda and immediately running toward her and engulfing her in a tight hug, twirling her around even as she squealed in delight. The girl's eyes widened for the second time that day seeing that, watching as the two adults acted like they were teenagers again.

     She then averted her stare when they kissed.

     Okay, then...

     Officially awkward now.

     "Ah, hello there," Takeshi finally greeted as he turned to face her, one hand sliding into his pocket while the other slid around Miranda's shoulders. "It's nice to finally meet you, (Y/N). I've heard a bit about you, so it's good to see you up and about."

     As she shook the hand that he took out of his pocket to greet her, she observed his features. He had styled up black hair with equally black eyes, pale skin, and a tall, muscular build.

     He was attractive, by all means.

     But he looked too young to have as much as six sons, her eyebrows furrowing at that fact.

     "It's nice to meet you too, Mr. Ramone," she smiled, fumbling with her crutches as she continued to look around.

     "You can call me Takeshi, I don't mind. Do you like your new home?" He asked when seeing how she was a bit curious about her surroundings. "I must apologize that it's so sudden, but... I wanted to take this step forward with your mother." As he said this, he looked at the woman in question, his gaze filled with nothing but love and affection.


     As long as mom is happy...

     "I don't mind," she refuted, waving her hand at the comment. "I think... mom needs someone like you. In only the five minutes that I've spoken with you, I can see that you care for her. And... I guess that all that matters. I don't want her to be alone when I go off to college, you know?"

     "That's very thoughtful of you," the corners of his eyes crinkled upward before his gaze then shifted behind her at the sound of the front door, she turning to find that a group of men had entered the front room—all with different features yet all with that same air of elegance and grace. "Ah, right on time." Clapping his hands together, then sliding an arm around (Y/N)'s shoulders, he announced, "(Y/N), these are my sons. They'll be your new brothers."


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