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    Tapping away on her phone as she waited for Kai to come pick her up at the end of the day, (Y/N) glanced up when seeing a car pull up to the curb and the window roll down to reveal Mikael. He looked a bit embarrassed when he met her eyes, his pale skin flushing a soft pink as she looked at him expectantly—waiting for him to say something.

    "Well, um..." he started, his words trailing off as he pondered over what to say. "Do you... do you want a ride?"

    Both of the girl's eyebrows raised.

    Becoming even more flustered by her reaction, he muttered out a quick 'never mind' and was just about to drive off before (Y/N) called him back with a light chuckle. She hadn't expected him to look so nervous from just offering a ride, but she was beginning to catch on that Mikael was someone who hid a lot of his emotions and thoughts behind a steely exterior when first meeting him, but the more one got to know him, the more they were able to see that he wasn't as bad as initially thought.

    Her smile softened.


    This side of his is definitely nicer to see.

    Sliding into the seat, closing the door behind her, and buckling herself in, (Y/N) then sent a quick text to Kai to tell him that he didn't need to come pick her up just as he pulled up and just as Mikael drove off. Seeing that, dismay and aggravation building within him, he grabbed his buzzing phone to see her text, his grip on the device tightening.

He hated this feeling.

The twisted feeling that brewed within him whenever he saw someone else with (Y/N).

But he couldn't help it.

When it came to her, he just couldn't.

Throwing his phone on the other seat in aggravation, he placed both hands on the steering wheel to calm himself down, knowing that nothing good would come about his anger.

𝐒𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐗Where stories live. Discover now