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After Haru had so brazenly barged into her room practically half naked, (Y/N) immediately took her crutches under her arms and shoved past him, hobbling down the stairs with him following her, pouting that he didn't understand why she was avoiding him.

    It made her want to slap him.

    Luckily, Takeshi and Miranda, along with most of her other stepbrothers, arrived to take the awkwardness of the situation away. Unfortunately, they were all instantly swept into the dining hall where they were to eat dinner, the chefs having toiled all day to make a delicious spread of traditional Japanese cuisine, including beautifully crafted sushi; delicately sliced sashimi arrayed in ginger, radish, and wasabi; freshly baked gyoza; and warm miso soup.

    While it most certainly looked delicious, everyone breaking out their chopsticks or forks or spoons, (Y/N) sat rigid in her chair.




    Haru had quickly moved to sit right next to her after throwing on a shirt, now his hand trailing up and down her thigh in an irritating manner no matter how many times she tried to swat him away. What was worse, he seemed to be enjoying her constant reaction and rejection to him due to the coy smile that played along his lips.

    It made her anger prickle.

    Finally, when enough time had passed and she had eaten enough food to the point that she wouldn't be hungry later, she excused herself from the table hurriedly before Haru could do the same without raising suspicions, acting like she was walking up the steps to her room but actually sneaking out of the back through the sliding patio door.

    She instantly breathed a sigh of relief.


    What that hell is wrong with these guys?

    Ashton threatens me, Mikael straight up hates me, Cassius warns me that they're psychos, Jay is a freakin' delinquent, and now Haru is traumatizing and harassing me!

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