𝟐𝟕 | 𝐕𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐓

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    After Friday came the weekend, and on Saturday, (Y/N) gratefully slept in, her peaceful slumber only disturbed by the sudden ringing of her phone. Grasping around for the device in her half-conscious state, she groggily answered the phone whilst rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.


"Hey, (Y/n)," Eun-ji greeted from the other line. "Did I wake you?"

    "Yeah, but it's all good," the girl groaned as she sat up, blinking her bleary eyes and trying to gain some semblance of awareness to have a conversation. "Anyways, what's up?"

"I thought we could hang out today?"

    "Alright? What time?"

"I was wondering if I could come to your place around noon?" Eun-ji suggested. "The way, I can see you, Mikael, and Jay." Her tone then went a bit slyer as she continued with, "And of course... Cassius. But obviously I'd just be going to spend some good quality time with my friend."

    "It's so obvious what you're doing," (Y/N) pinched the bridge of her nose in disbelief.


    "And it's ridiculous that I'm fine with it."

"Yay! I'll see you in an hour, then!" Eun-ji cheered as she then hung up, leaving her friend to stare blankly at her phone.

    Wow, it's already eleven?

    There goes half the day, but it was worth it.

    Throwing the covers off of her, (Y/N) quickly made her bed before entering her adjoined bathroom to get ready for the day. Stepping out of her room in a pair of comfy black cargo pants and a ripped T-shirt, she stretched as she descended the stairs for breakfast. Already Ashton and Kai were sitting at the table eating an early lunch, and Jay and Cassius were on the couch while Haru was nowhere to be found.

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