The 'Accidental' Hook Up

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Author note: In this story, Koby is Trans but only got top surgery. This is only a headcanon of mine since his live actor is trans (I love Morgan Davies. He's so cute!!)

-Koby just wanted a peaceful night out. That's all he ever wanted, to get a couple of drinks and have fun with his coworker, not having to worry about the overload of work they have to do once his day off was over but I guess he got more then he asked least he got laid-


The only light in the room was the sun shining through the faded red curtains. The pinkette's eyes fluttered open slowly, and he rubbed one eye, trying to adjust to the room's brightness.

The boy would reached over to the bedside drawer, moving his hand around lazily, trying to find his glasses. He always had poor eyesight, but it wasn't too bad, only in the mornings or when he was reading did he need them to see more clearly.

Once his hand had found the purple glasses, he placed them on, looking around the room.

The room, at first glance, looked as if a mighty prince lives in it! The walls are decorated with beautiful paintings that looked expensive, the room was filled with luxury furniture, and even the bedside drawer looked absolutely exquisite.

Koby had never been in such a high stared hotel room before, but that wasn't the most surprising part. The most surprising part was the fact that when the pink haired boy sat up on the bed, he felt an arm tighten around his waist area.

Red quickly rushed to his face as the poor marine officer realized the situation he was in. He probably drank a bit too much and, well, slept with an unknown person!? Good for him. Good for him. He deserves it Ngl.

At least that can explain the fact that he's wearing nothing but his boxers. Thank god for his boxerz. His eyes slowly averted to the other side of the bed, only to see a raven haired boy snoring peacefully but loudly, drool dripping down his chin.

The raven haired was sleeping on his stomach, so Koby couldn't exactly see his entire face since he was facing the opposite way, only a side of it that had a faded scar on his cheek. The raven haired had no shirt on, so his back muscles were clearly visible.

Koby looked to the arm around his waist, limp and loose. A gold plain ring on the raven haired man's left pinkie.

The pinkette felt like he was burning up. His skin color became redder than his hair! Koby had slowly removed the arm from his waist, begging to the god Nika that he wouldn't wake up this mysterious person.

Fortunately, he succeeded in getting the arm off him, allowing him to stand up from the bed. The pink haired boy hurried to grab the discarded clothing from the floor with his heart beating loudly.

Once, he put back on his clothes he wore last night that seemed to have been ripped off his body , adding more embarrassment to the poor boy.

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