Netflix & Chill Date Night

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  It was a peaceful friday, Koby just got back from his job exhausted. The pink
haired boy struggled with the keys attempting to find the right one to open the damn door to his apartment.

Once he found the right one, Koby unlocked the door, turning the doorknob and entering the apartment with a loud sigh. The poor boy was coming home late more often than he'd like, but he knows there's a certain someone who'll make his day much better.

Koby smiled as he walked a bit further into the apartment before hearing loud footsteps approach him.


Before the pink haired boy could react, his body was tightly embraced by a smaller individual with raven hair, causing him to fall on his back. Koby's eyes meet black orbs and a familiar loveable smile.

"You're home! Welcome back!"

Luffy, the sunshine of Koby's life, smiled widely while chuckling loudly. The raven haired boy pressed his lips against Kobys for a quick kiss before pulling back.

The pink haired boy could only smile and blush. The sight of his boyfriend who's happy to see him makes Koby's heart flutter. He pressed a kiss to Luffy's forehead as a small thank you.

"I missed you too, Lu."

The raven haired boy laughed loudly before standing up from his boyfriend's stomach, reaching out a hand to help the poor pinkette up, to which he gladly took.

Once both of them were up, Luffy embraced the younger male yet again. The raven haired boy was a sucker for physical touch, and so was Koby. You can't blame them.

The pink haired boy was quick to wrap his arms around Luffy despite the height difference. They both just stood there, basking in each other's warmth.

After a while, the raven haired reluctantly had to pull away from the hug only to grab Koby's hand, guiding him quickly upstairs.


Although Koby was slightly confused by the other's quick action, he was quickly shut up when the raven haired dragged him to lay down on the bed with him.

Koby immediately nuzzle his head into the raven's neck while little spooning the other, wrapping his arms around Luffy's lower back.

The couple really liked to cuddle. It was relaxing and refreshing to feel the others' warm presences against their own. (This is making me feel single. Who else?)

Luffy then reached over to grab the remote from the bedside table (This is modern au, so he doesn't have gum gum no mi, but he's really flexible), to which he succeeded in.

Once the raven boy had the remote in his hand, he turned on the TV and waited for a few minutes so the TV could load properly. Once it did, Luffy put on Netflix and snuggled his nose in his boyfriend's hair.

"What movie do you wanna watch, Ko?"

"Anything really."

Koby sighed as he relaxed his body, being a marine officer took a toll on his body. But the pay was good and he always wanted to help people.

Even if his boyfriend's grandpa is his trainer.

"I wanna watch avatar the last airbender!!"

The raven haired boy laughed as he put on the show.

"Good enough for me."

Koby felt his boyfriend ease more into him while watching the TV with content.

The pinkette felt his eyes slowly start to shut close. He thought about taking a bath or changing clothes but Kobys to at peace to do anything right now.

And his back hurts. Maybe he'll asked Luffy if he could massage him later, of course Koby gonna have to bid him with meat like always.

They both fall asleep to the sound of each other's warmth. Eyes closed and snuggled even closer.

What a peaceful friday.

*The end*

*Author Note*


But I manged to finish this as a small oneshot before I start working on the accidental hook up part two again.

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