Headcanons[For fun]

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[I made this for fun because well, why not?]


If Koby had a bad day, then he would just nuzzle his head into Luffy neck and recharge as long as he needed before making himself into a blanket burrito, falling asleep in Luffys arms.

But if Luffy needed some cuddles, then he would just stress eating all the food in the fridge and then fall asleep cuddling with his boyfriend on their shared bed.

I always like to think they each have a body pillow of themselves, but it's not inappropriate ones just wholesome ones(But koby has a body pillow of luffy, its canon).


I have a weird headcanon that if Koby was ever getting too close physically to anyone, Luffy would just automatically extend his arm and wrap it around Koby no matter the situation (even if they're like fighting against each other and all he would do it. He doesn't care)

Morgan davies:

I'm obsessed with Koby because of Morgan Davies, who else?


At first, I was simping for Sanji and Zoro, then it went to Sabo and Ace but after the live action came out, it became Koby, like wtf HOW!?

Garp the ultimate shipper:

I just have a headcanon that Garp is like 'mhmm Kobylu.' And loves the ship- Like I bet he would purposely make sure that Koby and Luffy interact with each other as much as possible-

That's all I got for headcanons for now might add more in the future- Anyhow, here's some fanart I found of them *DISCLAIMER THEY DO NOT BELONG TO ME, I FOUND THEM ON PINTEREST, credits to the actual artist*

That's all I got for headcanons for now might add more in the future- Anyhow, here's some fanart I found of them *DISCLAIMER THEY DO NOT BELONG TO ME, I FOUND THEM ON PINTEREST, credits to the actual artist*

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Credits to Mayonnaise-Socks on tumblr!

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Credits to Mayonnaise-Socks on tumblr!

Credits to Mayonnaise-Socks on tumblr!

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I swear, whoever made this beautiful fanart of them in a ballroom with Luffy rizzing Koby up is a god

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I swear, whoever made this beautiful fanart of them in a ballroom with Luffy rizzing Koby up is a god. A GOD! I love them so much and this art, it's just magnificent. I'm a make a oneshot about it. Also can somebody tell me WHO IS THE ARTIST!? I NEED TO KNOW

 Also can somebody tell me WHO IS THE ARTIST!? I NEED TO KNOW

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