Anne's Birthday

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I wake up by Journey sniffing my face.

"Mrow!" Journey exclaims.

"Oh, yeah? And then what happened?" I ask jokingly. I rub my eyes to try and wake up more.

"Y/N! Wake up, or you'll be late fore school!!" Viola exclaims. She picks up Journey.

"Oh, shoot!" I exclaim. I get out of bed and eat breakfast. Then I brush my teeth. Then I get dressed. Then I walk to the bus stop.

When I'm on the bus, I sit and wait for Marcy.
We arrive at her house, but she isn't there. I then see her run out of her house crying.

"Come back here young lady!" I hear Marcy's dad shout.

"You guys are ruining my life!" Marcy shouts.

"Marcy! Marcy, wait!" I exclaim.
I get up from my seat, push the little knob thing you use to open the bus doors, and run after Marcy.

"Y/N?" Marcy stops running.

"Marcy, look out!" I exclaim. She is almost hit by a car. I pull her back by her hoodie.

"Woah! Thanks, Y/N." Marcy says. She smiles, but I know it's fake.

"Why were you running away?" I ask.

"I...I don't really wanna talk about it. I'd just...really rather be alone..." March frowns.

"Oh. Okay. See you after school, I guess." I walk back to the bus with my hands in my pockets.

"Y/N M/N L/N!" The bus driver exclaims. "Never do that again! You could've gotten hurt!"

"Okay." I say. I walk to my seat and sit down.

Marcy's POV

My parents just told me some bad news...I'm running away. I don't know where I'm going or how far I'll go, but I'm running away.

   A Few Hours Earlier...
I'm at the library reading on PSAT prep.
My phone buzzes.

Stop studying ya nerd
Sasha texts me.

"Anne's birthday! I almost forgot!" I put my book into my backpack.
I notice that a woamn drops her book. "Excuse me, ma'am. You dropped" The cover reads Dr. P's EXTRAORDINARY GUIDE to Magic & Mystery.
I flip through the pages.
I stop flipping. I see a picture with a box with weird frog carvings. There are four stones in it. "Woah! 'Calamity Box'?" I exclaim. I look down to see another thing. "Travel to other worlds?" I look at the picture, amazed for a moment. "Ha! Oh, goofy stuff. Cool artwork though." I take a picture of the picture of the box.

Come home. We need to talk. Dad texts me.

"Huh. Wonder what this is all about." I say. "Eh. Guess I'll head home before meeting up with the girls." I pull up my hood.

At home, my dad tells me that he got a new job out of state.

" what!? How could you do this to me!? I'll miss my friends and my girlfriend!" I exclaim, tears in my eyes.

"Marcy, you have the understand that--" Dad starts.

I cut him off. "No!" I run out of the house. "You guys are ruining my life!"

"Marcy, wait!" Mom exclaims.

"Get back here, young lady!" Dad exclaims.

Marcy (Amphibia × Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now