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"You guys ready?" Jungkook heard Hoseak's voice coming from his ear piece.
Hoseak's voice sounded so different from his usual happy and cheerful tone.

"Yes,sir,"Jeon Jungkook,27 years old homicide detective of Seoul police department replied curtly.

"What about you, Detective Park?" Jungkook heard Hoseak,their leader for this operation asking his partner Park Jimin.

"We're ready too,sir,"came Jimin's short reply.

"You remember the plan?" Hoseak asked once again.

"Yes,sir,"came back from both Jimin and Jungkook.

Jungkook looked around and watched about fifteen men all geared up waiting for his command. It made him a little nervous though it wasn't the first time he was leading such a big team. It also made Jungkook miss his own captain.

"I don't care who you shot or kill. Just focus on the target and be safe,"Hoseak commanded with seriousness in his voice.

"Yes, Sir,"all fo them shouted in unison.

"Let's move now,"Hoseak instructed as they looked at the two teams through the camera.
All of the thirty men were equipped with a small face camera and a microphone,also a gps tracker. All of that made it easier for Hoseak to command and instruct them from the control room.

Jungkook reconned his team with his finger pointing out the direction that they were gonna run.
All his men nodded in understanding and followed Jungkook carefully.

Jimin also took his team and walked towards the opposite side that Jungkook's team was going.

Soon,the silence of the dark night was broken by the loud footsteps of the men running around.

Hoseak's eyes were fixed on the screen in front of him. He twisted the ring on his ring finger absent mindedly as his thoughts began to travel again.

"Don't worry,my love. This time,I will come for you and take you home,"Hoseak promised in his mind.


"Last Christmas I gave you my heart but the very next day,you gave it way,"the young man sitting in the chair hummed softly.
His eyes were closed and the smoke coming from his cigarette made his face hazy and somewhat mysterious.
Anyone could judge from his relaxed posture and humming tone that he was happy currently.

The young man looked at the man sitting opposite of the iron bars.
Finally,he was successful to get this man.
Oh,how much fun it was to torment this man.

The young man giggled happily. Now,he could slowly perform the last act of the greatest play of his life.

"Boss,"suddenly his daydream was broken by the loud voice of a man coming running towards him.

"What the heck happened?" The young man asked with irritation.

"Boss,the police is here,"the man said.
The fear could be easily detected in his voice.

"Oh,that's interesting,"the young man said.
He was thinking how the police found this place so quickly.

"So,what are you gonna do now?"asked another man who was standing beside the window talking for the first time. The man had a tall and lean figure. His whole body was covered with a huge black windbreaker and on head,he had a beanie on.
It was already getting cold in Seoul. The man would like to leave Seoul soon before it started to snow. He hated snow.

The young man sitting on the chair snorted in response.

"I don't care about the police. Tell me boys to be ready. Use anything you want. Kill anyone you want,"he said with a devilish smile.
His handsome face become distorted because of the cruelty of the smile.

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