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"What's so interesting, hyung?" Jungkook asked Yongi who was still busy on his phone.

"Our victim,Kim DeakYun was 42 years old. Born in Incheon. Finished his highschool there. Then,went to Seoul university in the BBA department. His parents are both dead. Didn't have any siblings. Got married in 2009 but got divorced three years ago. The couple didn't have any kids. He used to work for a business farm as a chartered accountant but he resigned before his marriage,then he and his wife came to live here,"Yongi read the personal information about the victim to Jungkook who listened to it carefully.

"So,he left his job and came here to live voluntarily?"Jungkook asked.
Yongi nodded in response.

"I have asked KwangHo to find out the victim's financial status and also if he have any criminal records,"Yongi said.

"So, what's the plan now?" Jungkook asked.

"For now,it's just the normal procedures. We need to talk to people related to the victim. Oh,we need to call his ex wife. I want to talk to her. We need to find out the motive quickly, Jungkook-ah,"Yongi said.

"Should I go through all those files on the table? Maybe,it can tell us something about the clients of the victim,"Jungkook suggested.

"It's a good idea but it'll take time,"Yongi said.
Jungkook nodded in agreement.

"Should we try to locate the old man who came to meet the victim?"Jungkook asked.

"Maybe,we can try,"Yongi said.

Before Yongi could add anything to his comment,they heard the nosies of the ambulance.
Soon,hurried footsteps were heard.
The people from the lab came and took away the body.

The people from the NFI also left after failing to find any leading evidence in the study room.

Yongi and Jungkook walked back to the quiet study room.
The body was already moved so the room seemed larger than before.

"They didn't find any journal or anything?" Jungkook asked.

"No,"came Yongi's short reply.

"Then,I will look around just in case,"Jungkook said and walked towards the table.
Then, sitting down on the chair,he started to look through the drawers.

Yongi let Jungkook do his job and walked in front of the bookshelves. The choice of books were really interesting.

Yongi noticed some books about world economics and went to take it out of the shelf but the book was pushed behind and Yongi heard a soft click sound.

"Now,this is interesting,"Yongi murmured softly as his eyes started to shine in excitement.


It was about 8AM when Prosecutor Kim Taehyung woke up.
His hands habitually went to his left to hug his baby but when he was meet with emptiness,his handsome brows frowned.
He got up quickly and patted the spot beside him on bed.
It felt too cold meaning his boyfriend had left quite a long time ago.

Before, Taehyung's brain started to run in all directions and find the worst outcome,he noticed a paper note left on their bedside table.

Taehyung's handsome face broke into an unique boxy smile as he took the hand and kissed it softly.
His baby was so sweet.

"Hyung called. I'm leaving for a case. Don't know when I will be back. Give me a call after you woke up,"Taehyung read the note quickly for a few times untill he got the message memorized,then taking out a red box from the drawer,he put the note inside the box which was already filled with many similar notes.

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