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Yongi couldn't even afford to look back as he ran fast. His legs hurt and he felt like his lungs were gonna burst but he couldn't stop. He could hear his heartbeat booming inside his chest.
He even ran faster as he thought about his life being possibly over if he got caught now. His legs seemed to have a mind of their own as they ignored the pain and moved faster.

"Oh,shit,"Yongi cursed out loud as he fall down hard on the ground.
But,he got up quickly and continued to run in hurry.
His cat like eyes glowed in the dark as he tried to explore his surroundings.
As he was running,Yongi fumbled through his pockets to find his gun but to his utmost horror,he couldn't find it in his pockets.

"Shit,I must have dropped it. Dang it,"Yongi wanted to shout in frustration.
He could heard the hurried footsteps coming towards him.

"It was a bad idea,very bad idea,"Yongi cursed at himself this time.
Then thought how his boyfriend would have laughed his ass off if he saw Yongi in this condition.

"Maybe,it's a good thing that I came alone,"Yongi muttered under his breath as he continued running forward.

Yongi stopped a bit to catch his breath putting his hands on his knees.
"I need to think of something,"Yongi thought.
He searched his pockets again and this time,he found a small dagger inside.
It was sliver plated dagger that Yongi's boyfriend gave him in his  20th birthday.
Odd choice for a gift but Yongi loved it.

"Thank God,"Yongi said as he pulled out the dagger and ran his fingers over it softly like he was touching his lover's lips.

Yongi clenched the dagger tightly as he waited. Soon, about twelve men stopped in front of him.
The leader of those men was a man with a long scar mark across his right eye.

"Not gonna run anymore,bitch,"the scar faced man said with a nasty smile.

Yongi smirked but didn't say anything.
He felt the familiar adrenaline rushing through his blood as he started to get excited for the fight.
Yongi took a step back then took his fighting pose and reckoned with his fingers to the men.

"Come,come,"Yongi shouted with a loud laugh that echoed throughout the whole black and silent forest.

"Fucking bastard,"the scard faced leader cursed and launched at Yongi.
Yongi flexibly dodge the attack and kicked the man on his hip,then holding the man by his neck,he punched him hard.

The man groaned in pain when he fall on the ground.
Others also launched at Yongi together.
Yongi's movement was agile and calculated. His legs moved comfortably in the air as he kicked the men with power.
The dagger in his hand moved swiftly as it made slicing sounds and made the men bleed fighting against Yongi.
Yongi's blood boiled with excitement as he watched the men bleeding.
The deep red colour looked so beautiful against the dark black background of the night.
The monster inside Yongi became restless and started to creat a havoc inside Yongi's mind.
It wanted to come out. It wanted to be free. It wanted to run loose in this dark forest,away from everyone where no one could see him.
He was thirsty. Thirsty for blood.
Yongi closed his eyes and took deep breath to calm the beast inside. He couldn't afford to let it loose.

The men wasn't bothered with Yongi's inner turmoil. They continued to attack and launched at Yongi.

Yongi soon controlled his mind and concentrated on the fight.
Soon,all of the men fall on the ground.

Yongi walked towards the scar faced man and pushed the man's face on the ground by his right foot.

"Didn't you want to catch me,huh?" Yongi said smirking.
The man tried to say something but couldn't make any noise.

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