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Baekhyun's unconscious body was lying on a bed. Some sudden flashbacks of what happened, Baekhyun woke up in panic. He immediately sat up and looked around, finding nothing but a fancy bedroom. But he was wearing his clothes though.

Baekhyun saw a knife on the nightstand and immediately grasped it after hearing a door opening sound. A maid came there. Baekhyun pointed the knife to the maid's direction.

Maid: Oh no! Don't worry I won't hurt you
The maid smiled and served a hot meal on the nightstand. Baekhyun was just shocked. No way that Sim-guy has the audacity to serve him some food after what he did

Baek: Is this poisoned?
(He asked in suspicion and then suddenly a similar face emerged from the door) Mom...?
He asked in relief but he was more than shocked

Jin (teary eyes): Oh my baby! Oh my god you have a bruise on your cheekbone. Are you okay? Does it hurt? (He said staring at his bruise from the incident of last night)

Baek: Where am I? (He said getting up from the bed)

Jin (smiled): You're Home, bub (baekhyun looked at him in shock, he walked out and saw a room. It seems to be the rooms where he once was. Is it the mansion?)

{In the Mansion, Living Room}
{Some time after Baekhyun woke up}

Everyone was here. Baekhyun was standing near the dining table after listening to his father who explained what happened last night

Baek: So I was getting dragged in a room but then Soobin saved me from Danny?

Jin: Don't call him that anymore. He never deserved it. Turns out, he is a secret mafia whose Mafia career was going through a downfall so he decided to trap innocent omegas like you in his trap. People call him "Daniel Peirce" as his American mafia name.

Baek: Oh my god! So, he wanted to add me in his Mafia-things?

Jin: Technically

Baek: Thank god I was saved! Thank you
He awkwardly said because their first interaction was not the best

Joon: But we can't just be chill with that happening to Baekhyun. If a mafia does that to an Omega, then it means that they would not try to kill them but try to do something worse. We have to place extra security for every omega of this family
Baekhyun looked down, a little scared of Namjoon's tone. Namjoon was about to leave but stopped when baekhyun said

Baek: So that means no more 'living in the apartment'?

Joon (death-glared at baekhyun): You're right! You're no longer gonna be living there. Absolutely not

Namjoon left and baekhyun was about to leave.
Baek: I am going to take some rest (he said. You wouldn't expect him to be completely okay after being betrayed by someone he thought he really loved and was in a 2 year old relationship with. Minho was about to approach him to ask his health but jin stopped him. Jin knew how hurt he must be feeling, so he let him some alone time. Baekhyun left)

Jin went to the kitchen to fetch the maids the dirty plates. There were still some plates so he went to the dining area to be met with Namjoon. He looked at Jin as if he wanted to talk to him

Joon: Jin-ah... (he called but was met with silence as jin was ignoring him. Jin took some more plates and left to the kitchen. Then he returned to get more utensils which were dirty) You don't have to do this. The maids can d-(he said but was met with silence yet again. Then, he mumbled) Please talk to me (He remembered how stubborn Jin is, so when jin returned for the final round of taking the dishes, he reached out for the dirty plates on the table. But before he could hold them, Namjoon held them for him) I will do it (he smiled but was met with silence yet again by jin who just gave him a glance. But he still followed jin to the kitchen to put the dishes in there. Jin just listed some things that needed to be done in the house to the maids and left the kitchen. Namjoon was feeling very bad)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2023 ⏰

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