Chapter 16: Saturday 24th of December - Sunday 25th of December

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Wooyoung's POV

San has been ignoring me, or at least it feels like it. I thought when he said he would stay back with me, he meant that he would keep me company but I was obviously mistaken. I mean he sits with me for meals but after that, he kind of just disappears for some reason. I've tried briefly looking for him but I could never find him and I don't want to overstep if he maybe just doesn't want to be near me. It kind of has me feeling uneasy though because I opened up to him more that night and he just vanished right after we woke up.

I sighed and tugged a hoodie over my head before leaving the common room. Majority of the students head home for holidays so the halls were basically empty as I took my time walking through them. It was lunch time so I went to the Great Hall, glancing around before I spotted San sitting down the end of the Slytherin table as usual. There were only about eight other students in the hall at the moment as well as the teachers sitting up by that table. I walked over to the end of the Slytherin table and sat down beside San. He lifted his head and glanced at me before turning back to his food and the paper in his hand. The uneasy feeling that had been with me throughout the past few days grew inside me, becoming almost unbearable. He wanted to hug San, badly but they were hardly even talking so he thought that might be overstepping. That being said, he couldn't bring himself to sit there and just be ignored so he stood up quickly and walked off. It wasn't like he needed to eat anyway, he had already eaten more than enough during breakfast.

My pace quickened as I continued down the halls, my breathing quickening with it. I didn't even realise where I was heading until I was walking up the steps to the Astronomy tower. I walked over to the edge and sat down, slipping my legs under the rails and leaning forwards, resting my arms on the rail. I closed my eyes and drew in a shaky breath, dropping my head down onto my arms to try and calm down.

"Youngie! What are you doing? Get away from the edge." I jolted as arms slipping underneath mine and I was swiftly slid back away from the edge. I almost immediately curled into the touch but it was gone just as quickly as it came and I was left feeling empty.

"What are you doing," San asked as he squatted down beside where I was sitting.

"Getting some air so everything doesn't feel so suffocating," I said with a shrug before bring my knees to my chest and curling my arms around them.

"Why did you leave lunch, you didn't even eat," he said.

"I wasn't hungry," I said with a shrug.

"Still, you need to eat. Remember what Madame Promfrey said," San told me.

"I'm fine. Missing one meal won't make a difference," I said, looking down at my fingers as I fiddled with them to avoid looking at San.

"Come on, let's go back so you can at least get something into you," San said.

"I'm good. You're welcome to go though," I said quietly.

"Hey, what's wrong," San asked suddenly, his tone laced with concern.

"Nothing, I'm fine," I said with a shrug.

"We may not have been back on great terms for long but that's a really obvious lie," San said. I remained quiet, just fiddling with my hands until I felt his hand rest on my shoulder. That's when I finally turned to face him frowning at the concern on his face.

"Why did you stay," I asked quietly.

"What do you mean," he questioned.

"I mean why did you stay back for the break," I asked him.

"Oh. You needed a reason to stay back remember," he said.

"I could've just lied. You didn't have to stay back for me if you were going to ignore me anyway," I said, my voice small as I curled up more.

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