chapter thirty-three

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Chapter 33

Mina Alise Bennett was a lot of things.

But stupid wasn't one of them.

And right now, at this very moment, it was clear to her that Niklaus Mikaelson disagreed with that fact.

"I'm not sure if you're trying to call me stupid or blind, but I don't think I appreciate either," she snapped, slamming the door of the Gilbert house in Mystic Falls. The two had spent the last two days looking around the city for Bonnie since they couldn't exactly get into Bonnie's grandmother's house. It was obvious that there was a pretty powerful protection spell on the house and no amount of magic could overpower it.

"This is a Bennett spell," Mina remembered saying. "It can only be undone by the spellcaster... Unless, the spellcaster, you know, dies."

And of course, Bonnie wasn't picking up her phone.

"If I wish to call you either insult, I'm sure I would," Klaus countered, sighing as he started the walk back to the car he rented. "Fortunately, I'm not my big brother who is afraid of saying anything that'll prolong his forgiveness."

"I... He's not afraid of saying anything to me. I doubt he hasn't fallen in love ten times since then."

Niklaus turned around, staring at the witch like she had grown two heads. "You're in denial." He said simply. "I can count on one hand just how many lovers my brother has had. And I will assure you that I will have fingers remaining."

"He got down on one knee and swore to love me forever, got daggered, woke up, and chose the person who took him away from me. That's not love... And if it is, it's toxic."

Klaus groaned. "If you will deny the feelings you have for my brother because of that, I do believe you may be one of the adjectives you used to describe yourself."

"You're here right now, Klaus," Mina sighed, marching in front of the original. "You jumped on a plane, leaving your brothers, leaving Elyza, leaving the city you've been trying to take all for Bonnie. All I wanted was for Elijah to do the same for me. I wanted him to choose me. Because I chose him! I dropped all of what I had been taught because of him. He clouded my judgment and plagued my mind. And yet, he left me for you. For the brother who has wronged him for centuries." Sucking in a breath, Mina glanced down. "No offense."

"You do not love him?" Klaus questioned.

Mina latched onto Elijah's neck, smiling as he lowered her onto the floor after effortlessly picking her up. Elijah Mikaelson brushed Mina's hair out of her face with his available thumb. Their home at the Compound was absolutely huge, so the Bennett was slowly starting to make it seem a bit more homier.

That was until Elijah came up from behind her, kissing her softly.

"'Lijah," Mina whined. "I'm trying to decorate the archway."

"It looks beautiful, my flower," Elijah complimented, delivering yet another kiss to her forehead.

She shook herself out of that memory. "I—I didn't—"

"You once told me of the squabbles between you and your aunts. You gave them a second chance because you claimed the love you have for them outweighs the wrong, they did you," Klaus opened the driver's side of the car and slid his keys out of his pocket. "If you are still in love with my brother, the same logic should apply. Now, for the time being, get in the car. I might know where to find Bonnie."

Crossing her arms over her chest, Mina stormed over to the other side of the vehicle. No matter how hard Klaus tried, he would not convince her that she was being dramatic. Until Elijah showed he was sorry, there was no part of her that was going to fall for him again. Or... at least she wouldn't act on those temptations. "Where's Bonnie?"

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