Chapter 2

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I entered the dining hall for the first time in months. Usually, a staff member would bring a meal up to me but due to the Deathnote making an appearance in my life, I had to see if it was real. 

I scanned over the busy room to spot Jacob. The egotistical brat was sitting at one of the dining tables to the far right of the hall with his little gang of bullies. There was an empty table two rows back from him where I could sit and watch the whole event happen. If it's real, that is. 

I kept my head down and scurried to the table unnoticed. Now all I had to do was wait.
Time went painfully slow and the feeling of being watched still hadn't disappeared. I could feel an ominous presence but after glancing around, nobody was looking at me. Odd. Maybe I was just paranoid since I hadn't been here in a while-

The sound of coughing and spluttering could be heard and I snapped my attention back to Jacob. Holy shit...
The clock showed it was the exact time I'd written down. Holy crap I'm a murderer! His friends alerted the staff and everyone began to panic. A member of staff rushed over and tried to perform the Heimlich maneuver but Jacob only grew paler until his efforts to breathe came to a halt. Everyone's heads turned and they froze, spotting Jacob's lifeless body on the floor.

Static and crackling could be heard over the intercom before Watari's voice was heard, filling the room. "Residents of Wammies, please remain calm and head to your rooms. Please can all staff head to the dining hall. Thank you."

The other kids and teens slowly rose from their seats, shock and fear covering their faces as they exited the hall. A few retched and sobbed on their way out. I calmly made my way back to my room, unsure how to feel. A mixture of confusion and excitement swirled within me. I held so much power! I reached my room and entered, closing my door behind me and locking it.

"Hello, Luna"
A dark and unfamiliar voice rang out behind me. Who the fu-
"I've been watching you since you found my book and I see your experiment worked. However, you didn't react the way I thought you would. You're different from the previous humans."

I spun around to see a dark void-looking mass in the center of my room. My facial expression remained vacant. I'd seen worse; Like when my parents died and the things I had witnessed at the psychiatric ward. If anything, I was intrigued by what this thing was. It mentioned the book I'd found so perhaps it was a god of death, also known as a shinigami. That or I'd finally lost my mind...

"Are you the shinigami that dropped the book in the woods?"
I questioned the mass. It had begun to swirl and morph into a humanoid being. It took the shape of a tall masculine figure. Black hair with blue streaks sprouted from its head and two piercing blue eyes formed. It wore a simple leather jacket with a black sweatshirt underneath paired with jeans. It would've almost fit in if it weren't for the skeletal wings sprouting out of its back.

"You don't seem to be afraid of me," He chuckled. These things love to laugh apparently.
"I take it you read all of the rules then? You really are different. My name is Shirokiri and I am the shinigami that owns the book you found. Well, now it is technically yours since you found it."

"Kiri. Kiri fits you better." 
I walked around him and plopped down on my bed, reaching under the mattress to retrieve the book.
"So, Kiri, you're the one who's been watching me all evening? Well-"
I moved my fingers up to my eyeballs and removed my coloured contact lenses, revealing my red eyes.
Kiri watched and then began to chuckle.

"Ah! A relative of Beyond. How interesting."
My eyes widened as the shinigami mentioned my brother's name.
"How do you-"
I was cut off.
"Your brother was special. And it appears you are too. His eyes allowed him to see us as well as other things. However, he didn't quite understand it. Tell me, Luna. Do you see numbers above people's heads?"

I remained silent for a few minutes trying to process this new information. Beyond could see these things? How come I have the same eyes but couldn't previously see them? Kiri knew about the numbers though but I had never told anyone that. Ever.
"I can only see numbers above people's heads when I take my contacts out. But I have no idea what they mean."
Kiri smiled and pulled the chair out from under my desk, sitting on it.
"Well, The eyes you and your brother were born with are shinigami eyes. I don't know how it's possible but it's not the first time something like this has happened. Those numbers above people's heads show how long they have left until they die."

I blinked. I could see how long people have left until they die? Wait. In the rules, it claimed that you could acquire this power by offering up half of your life. But I was born with it.
I can't tell if that makes me lucky or not.

Me and Kiri continued talking for a while. It turned out he didn't know much about Beyond so I ended up explaining what happened when I was younger and all the events that lead up to now.
Despite being a god of death, Kiri was a great conversationalist and we ended up talking throughout the night,

I learned that Kiri had a taste for candy just like me which was funny and that there is a separate realm where other shinigami live and watch down on earth, writing people's names in the books when their time is up. he told me that shinigami tend to get bored up there and drop their books down to earth to see who finds it.

after many hours of talking, I said farewell to the shinigami and tossed him some candy before sliding under my duvet. After he left I stared at the ceiling, relaying the events of that day in my head and thinking of all the information I'd gained. It was too early to tell yet but I might be able to make a friend out of this Kiri. It didn't take long for me to succumb to the void of unconsciousness into another trauma-filled nightmare.

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