
I made the post. Almost immediately, the comments were flooded with surprise and support. Let me show you some of the comments:


I feel awful for shipping kaster and carley. But happy for them!

They're are so cuuuuuute

Damn. I wanted to marry Christina.

Wait... What?

When tf did this happen please?


I. Am. Shook.

And that's just a few of them. I've seen mostly positive comments. No homophobia so far and it makes me proud to know that we have built an open-minded fan base.

Christina was just laying on the bed, cuddled into my side and rubbing soothing circles on my arm.

"Are you ready to go live?" I ask her as I look through the window.

"Yeah." she replied softly, she craned her neck to look out the window too, just in time to watch the snow fall. "More snow for me to play in tomorrow." she said to herself, but I heard.

"Absolutely." I agree as I got the live ready. The vlog was edited and uploaded after the post and the video of Christina enjoying the snow was sent out to family. Everyone, especially Eliza, melted at the sight. Christina and I moved to the couch, where we could appear more professional for the sake of Christina's job.

I started the live and waited for people to join. Thousands were joining by the second. I waited about ten minutes, just saying hi and greeting people who joined, before getting to all the questions that people were asking. Christina was sort of just, watching over my shoulder.

The comments were flooded with questions. How could we not tell them? Why didn't they know? Ect.

After about ten minutes, we started answering questions. Like how long we've been together; ten years. When we got married; the twenty-eighth of September. If Ruth and Zoey call me Mom; yes, they do. And they have my last name. Well, it's a shared last name now, Rogerstone-Montgumery. I also told them about how I was there when Tina gave birth to them and even named Zoey. A lot of them didn't know that her full name was Arizona. Shocker.

Still, they were really supportive and happy. It's not everyday that two lesbians come out, let alone two lesbians that are married. So it's safe to say that a lot of the little baby gays were happy.

We ended the live because Christina wanted to go swim in ice cold water. In nothing but a bikini. She had it underneath her clothes and was ready to go.

We walked down to the ice pool, hand-in-hand, I'm all wrapped up in my coat and Christina wears her loose t-shirt and joggers. When she steps, I notice that she wears the same swimsuit that she proposed to me in. It brought back the good memories of my eighteenth birthday. Oh, how she spoiled me.

"Why are you doing this?" I question my wife as she strips and I get ready to record her first dip.

"I dunno." she shrugged as she lowered herself into the water. I winced as she did so. The little snowflakes landing in her blonde hair made me shiver, but she seemed like she didn't care. She looked up at me with a blank expression and deadpamned, "It's a bit chilly."

"Well, der bob! It's freezing out here!"

"It's alright." she said, swishing the water around. I let her have about five minutes before I pull her out in fear she'll get hypothermia.

I wrapped her in the towel and we strolled back to the cabin. She tells me about how she likes the snow. And during that conversation, somehow, we started talking about Eleanor.

"I just hope she's okay." Christina pouted.

"I'm sure she is, sweetheart. I think we'd have found out by now if she wasn't, right?"

"Yeah, I guess. Why doesn't she just come back and see us sometimes."

"She might be hurting still. Like Malachi and Joseph."

"I guess." she shrugged.

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