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  It had been a peaceful afternoon inside, with the twins all outside, focused on building their snow castle. But by now, Vixen was expecting four very cold children to be coming back inside any minute now—along with the snow they'd inevitably track in. She was already getting some hot chocolate in mugs prepared, complete with candy canes on the rim. She was nearly done when the front door opened.

"Ye all're fussin' too much! That castle will never fall down for the rest of the winter!" Jessie reassured the others confidently. Vixen came to meet them at the door, wanting to make sure no one had trouble taking their snow gear off and putting it in the dryer. "What's this about a castle?"

"We're working on a snow castle, Mama!" Junior answered excitedly, while pulling off his mittens. "And it's gonna be huge!" BB added, unwrapping his scarf. Vixen laughed. "I can't wait to see the finished product, then-!" She paused when she noticed an extra kid with them. "I don't remember having five kids?"

Plushy stopped halfway from taking off his jacket, chuckling nervously. "Heh... sorry, Mom said I could come over and play... I forgot to tell you." Vixen shook her head. "Don't worry, it's alright. Though, you want me to give your mom a call that you're still here? I've just made some hot chocolate if you'd like some." Pushy's expression lit up again. "Okay, thank you!"

Turning back into the kitchen, Vix went to get out another mug for hot chocolate. "Don't mention it," The kids had all managed to get their snow gear off right as she took out her phone to give Spring Shine a call. Jessie, Plushy and BB quietly joined her, being sure not to be too loud while their mom was on the phone, while Junior and JJ quickly went about stuffing the wet snow gear into the drier like normal. They, too, joined everyone in the kitchen in time for the hot chocolate to be served.

"Alright, here you all go," Vixen said, setting the mugs in the middle of the kitchen table for the kids to choose from. "Oh, and we can't forget these!" She took a small bowl from the counter, bringing it to the table. Inside were mini marshmallows, and a small spoon to scoop them with.

"Thank you, Miss Vix!"

"Thanks, mama!"

"Aye, thanks!"

"Thank you!"

Vixen smiled, hearing the kids jinxing each other. "You're welcome. Though, it might still be a bit hot so just be caref-" Her warning to the kids was interrupted by Luca suddenly sucking in a quick breath, and muttering, "... hot!" He blinked a few times, putting the mug down. Then, he saw his twin sister giving him a look of mild disappointment. For Luca's sake, Vixen held back a small laugh.

"I was about to warn just that." Jessie, however, didn't offer such a curtesy. She let out a short giggled, as the others more wisely went about blowing on their hot chocolates in an attempt to cool the drinks down. Luca rolled his eyes a little, though he too was smirking a little.

With the kids all set with their hot chocolates, Vixen decided to make another mug for herself. She'd be able to safely add her preferred pinch of Cayenne Pepper without the possibility of accidentally spicing up one of the kids' mugs. That mistake had already been made once, unfortunately for Junior.

"Oh-!" Suddenly remembering something, Jessie carefully set her hot chocolate on the table after having taken a generous sip. She looked over to Plushy. "Woulda ya like to stay over tonight, Plushy?" Plushy looked over to her curiously. "For a sleep over?" Jessie nodded. "I'd have to ask my mom, but that sounds fun!" He answered. "What's the occasion?"

"We're all sleeping in the livingroom, by the Christmas tree tonight." Luca explained. Junior and Jenny gave him puzzled glances. "... We are?" JJ asked. "Aye! T'is my new Christmas tradition." Jessie stated. Vix turned her attention back to the kitchen table, turning around to lean against the counter with her own mug of hot chocolate in hand. "Is it, now?" She asked Jessie. Her daughter nodded with enthusiasm. "Aye!"

Jessie looked back at Plushy again. "So, ye're in?" Plushy nodded. "Yeah, I'm in!" He replied, holding up his fist to Jessie—who happily gave him a fist bump. "Thanks, Plushy!" Luca said, sipping his hot chocolate again.

Vixen was about to remind them all again of waiting to see what Shine would say, but was distracted by a knock on the front door. She put down her mug, and left the kitchen to answer—opening the door to be greeted by Spring Shine. "Oh, hey, Shine!" Vixen opened the door further. "Come in," Shine nodded in thanks. "Thank you!" She replied.

"I was just going to come walk Plushy home, and also deliver these while I'm at it." Shine showed the Christmas tree themed cookie tin she was holding. "Aw, that's sweet!" Vixen replied. "Here, you can come bring them in the kitchen." She said. Shine followed. "Springtrap actually offered to make and bake all the cookies this year, so it just left decorating and gifting them out up to Plushy and I."

Plushy's attention on the table's conversation was distracted when he saw Vixen returning to the kitchen, with his mom following. "That's great." Vixen said to Shine. "Hi, mom!" His greeting was met with his mom going to give him a small hug, along with a quick kiss to the top of his head. "Hey! Did you have fun?"

"Yep! I was helping with the snow castle in the front yard," Plushy replied. "Ooh, yes, I think I saw it on my way in. Very impressive, so far!" Shine complimented. "Also, mom, can I stay over tonight?" Plushy then asked. "For a sleepover?" Plushy, as well as Jessie and BB, all nodded. Shine looked over to Vixen, who gave her a small shrug.

"I really don't mind having Plushy over tonight." She said, also adding, "It was mostly Jessie and Luca's idea." Shine hummed. She thought for a second. "Well, I'm fine with it, too." Plushy was smiling even wider, now. "We'll head back home for supper, get your PJs and pillow together, then Dad will come back ." Shine said with a nod.

Plushy gave her another hug. "Thanks, mom!" Shine laughed, ruffling the bunny's tuft of fur affectionately. "You're welcome. So," Nodding to his near empty mug of hot chocolate, Shine continued. "If you're done your hot chocolate, we can go." Plushy nodded, grabbed his mug, and drank what little rest there was. After, he got up from his seat, going to hand the mug back to Vixen.

"Thanks again for the hot chocolate!" He said to her. "Don't mention it." Plushy turned back to the twins. "See you later for the sleep over!" Jessie offered a small salute in return, while her siblings opted for waving 'goodbye' instead. "Yup! Oh, and bring an extra blanket, too." BB reminded him. Plushy gave him a thumbs up. "You got it!"

Vixen went to see the two of them to the door, just after having put the empty hot chocolate mug in the sink for the time being. "Well then, see you later, Plushy." She said to the young bunny. "Yeah, see you!" Both Shine and Vixen shared a small laugh, amused by the kids' enthusiasm. "And enjoy the cookies." Shine added. "We will, thank you!"

The front door opened and shut again, Spring Shine and Plushy heading off on their short walk home together.  

Together We'll Be (Freedom AU Christmas Special 2023) [FNAF/UT]Where stories live. Discover now