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  Jessie had wandered her way into the kitchen, feeling a little bored after supper had been all cleaned up. In her bored state, she went to see what her mother was doing. Vixen was currently standing by the coffee maker, as it poured freshly brewed coffee into the pot. Jessie looked at the machine curiously, knowing her parents didn't usually make coffee by this time of day. "Mama?"

"Yes?" Vixen saw her daughter standing beside her, looking over the counter. "What're ye doin'?" Setting the coffee machine to now keep the pot of coffee warm, Vixen answered, "I'm making coffee, we've got company coming in a few minutes." Jessie looked up at her. "We do?" Vixen nodded. "Yep. Don't worry, though, it won't butt in on the sleepover tonight."

Turning her attention away from the coffee machine, Vixen continued. "Uncle Freddy and Aunt Chica are coming by for a small visit." Jessie's expression lit up. "Are's they gonna bring Annie?" She wondered. "Well, yeah. Why wouldn't they?" Vixen answered, laughing a little. Jessie seemed even more excited, now. She then suddenly hurried off to find her siblings. "Oh... okay, then...?" Vixen said to herself.

Junior, BB and JJ had all been hanging out together in the living room. BB was reading a book, while JJ and Junior were making sure the set up of sleeping bags was still set up properly, as it had been when Plushy and the Minireenas came for the previous night's sleepover. As they would again later that night.

"Aye, guys," Jessie said, getting their attention upon her return. "We's gotta set this place all up for a sleepover!" The three of them paused, looking at her curiously. "But, the others aren't gonna be here until later." JJ reminded her. "I know that, but Uncle Freddy and Aunt Chica are comin' by to visit. We's got to have a sleepover for Annie!" The three of them still seemed confused, obviously not catching on what Jessie was trying to explain.

"Um, but Annie's too little, Jessie." Junior said. Jessie waved him off. "Aye, which is why we's ain't havin' a real sleepover, just a small one while they's visit." JJ seemed excited by this idea, now seeing what Jessie meant. "Oh! Yeah, that's a great idea!" She agreed. Getting up, she then said, "I'm gonna go get an extra pillow from our room for Annie. Be right back!" With that, JJ then dashed off for the staircase.

Putting his marked book down, BB scooted over to the edge of the couch. "I'll turn the lamps off." He volunteered. Jessie nodded. "Junior an' I will arrange the blankets." Junior had already begun doing just that, now with his twin sister joining him.

A knock on the front door was heard. Right as, from the kitchen, Vixen spotted JJ rushing back into the living room—pillows gripped in her arms. Vixen then saw Foxy heading to answer the door, before she even left the kitchen. Though, she did make it over to the foyer just as Freddy and Chica were welcomed inside, out of the cold wind. "Ahoy, Cap'n, Chica," Foxy held his hand out to gently 'fist pump' Annie's little paw. "And t'ye, Annie." The cub smiled at the sudden attention. "Cupcake-!" Carl suddenly emerged from Chica's scarf, making his presence known. "Aye, and ye, Carl!"

"Thanks for having us over," Chica thanked, while managed to get her winter coat off. Vixen politely took it, to set aside for her. "Oh, don't mention it. It's great having you guys-" Her reply was suddenly interrupted, as the twins all joined everyone in the foyer. "Hi!" BB greeted first, followed by the others also offering a 'hello'.

"Mama, are ye's gonna have coffee in the kitchen?" Jessie suddenly asked. Vixen paused. "I... I mean, I guess we are?" With no further explanation from Jessie, Junior then said to Chica, "We have a surprise in the living room for Annie, Aunt Chica." Freddy and Chica exchanged a puzzled look. "A not-sleepover-sleepover we set up!" He told them. "We's got a bunch of blankets, sleeping bags and pillows on the floor, so it be all soft for her!" Jessie added. Freddy chuckled. "That's pretty cool for you kids to do."

Together We'll Be (Freedom AU Christmas Special 2023) [FNAF/UT]Where stories live. Discover now