Chapter 13

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AN: so hello! i’m super happy with how this chapter turned out, not going to lie. I think it’s one of the best of this story! I didn’t think it would be 5337 words, but what the hell right? what do you think? Please review and tell me what you think! Like was it too much or what? Let me know so i can better my writing (: i hope people still like this story! but there’s going to be either one more chapter or just the epilogue! oh my!  so let me know and i hope you enjoy it! (: 

I walked into the room to see Harry lying on the bed, the blue gown doing nothing for his appearance making him look paler and thinner, his eyes had black circles underneath them as he stared at the wall, biting his lip. I stepped forward and sat on the edge of Harry’s bed shocking Harry out of his trance, my hand meeting his calf. He turned to look at me, allowing me to see the worry that was flitting through his eyes while he swallowed deeply. My thumb drew patterns on his calf trying to calm him down.

Louis, I’m scared.” I sighed and leaned into him, wrapping my arms around him securely. I pulled his head down onto my chest and carted my fingers through his hair hoping to calm him down again. “What if something goes wrong while I’m under?” I sighed and pushed him off me going to sit where he could see me, making him look at me I smiled.

Harry nothing is going to happen. It is a safe procedure and there are barely any risks. Everything will be fine and I’ll be here when you wake up just like I always will be.” Harry looked at me, his eyes slightly glassed over and nodded, swallowing deeply again. I stared at Harry, my gaze never shifting, with what I hoped to be confidence in my eyes. I heard Anne walk into the room and turned breaking my stare with Harry.  

Hey baby, how are you?” Anne was sporting a smile and slightly worried eyes, which made me groan internally. Harry looked at me wide-eyed after seeing the emotions in his mum’s eyes and I sighed, smiling reassuringly.

It’s fine Hazza.” Harry sighed and shook his head leaning forward and laying his head down on my shoulder, burying his face into my neck. His breath was hot on my neck as his hands gripped my back as he tried to hold onto me. We sat like that for a couple minutes before Doctor Cowell knocked awkwardly on the door.

“Hi, we’re ready for Harold to be taken down.” I tapped Harry’s back and leaned back showing him that the doctors were here to take him down to the operation room. Harry looked at me terrified once again but I smiled and squeezed Harry’s hand tightly.

I’ll be here after okay? Everything will be fine love.” I got off the bed and gave Harry a quick kiss, while Harry gripped onto my back once again. I sighed as I pulled away and stepped back from the bed. The nurse swooped in, pushing Harry down onto the bed and calling the anesthesiologist to come and put him under. I held Harry’s hand while they put him under and felt his hand loose grip as he did so.

“Louis you need to let go so when can give this boy his hearing. We’ll only be a couple of hours, nothing to worry about.” I let go of his hand and stepped back from the gurney, smiling at Doctor Cowell. I watched the doctors take my boyfriend down to the OR while Anne wrapped her arm around my shoulder. We stood at the door and watched as the doctors took the gurney into the elevator and down to the OR, ready to give Harry his hearing.

“Well Louis we have a couple of hours until he’s done, how about we go get some lunch?” I turned toward Anne and smiled, nodding my head. I stepped out of her arm, walking toward the door and holding it open for Anne.

“Of course! Let’s go!” We walked in silence out of the hospital and toward the Nandos that was near by. We walked in silence as we entered the warm restaurant. It was fairly busy as I saw groups and tables full of families and people chatting and eating easily.

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