Chapter 7

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Harry was walking a little ahead of us, finally giving me the chance to ask what the boys thought of him. I had tried to ask Niall in science only to be moved to a desk that was on the opposite side of the room from him to avoid the temptation to talk. Harry had been all smiles in music class, his hands flying across the keys playing a light and happy tune.

“So boys what do you think of Harry?” Out of the corner of my eye I watched the boys all look at each other sharing a sort of knowing look before they all smiled.

“I think he’s great! It’s awesome how he’s so comfortable.” The rest of the boys all murmured their agreements at Liam’s words and Niall swung an arm around my shoulder.

“We’ve all talked and you know he fancies you too right?” I bit my lip to try to hide the smile at Niall’s words. I knew for a fact that Harry fancied me just as much as I fancied him. One of these days maybe I would be talking to the boys while holding Harry’s hand, our secret out for everyone to know.

“You think so?” I kept my eyes locked on the boy who was still walking a couple of feet ahead of us, his hands swinging at his sides. Niall nodded his head exaggeratedly and took his arm off, allowing some space to come between us. I smiled to myself, the boys were okay with Harry and they even thought that he liked me, if only they really knew. We walked in silence to Niall’s house to play some football in his backyard, I whistled a nameless tune while my mind tried to scramble for words to fit the situation at hand. We finally got to Niall’s house while the sky started to turn grey and not too promising- that’s England for you.

“Let’s get some ball in before it pours on us!” Niall tossed the ball on the ground and started to dribble it up to where Zayn was standing in net. I ran forward to try and steal the ball off of Niall, who pushed me down laughing as he scored on Zayn. I groaned and pushed myself up and wiped the dirt off of my clothes, making another attempt to get the ball off of Liam this time. Of course Liam laughed and made his way around me when Harry lurched forward and kicked the ball away from Liam and into my feet. My eyes went wide at how I realized that I had the ball and had to run forward to try to score. Niall came running toward me, screaming and laughing, but I was not allowing the ball to be taken. I ran to the left quickly, running around Niall and putting the ball right in between our makeshift net. I screamed loudly, my arms going up and ran toward Harry and Zayn. Harry’s smile was beaming and Zayn was screaming as we collided in a team hug. We were still celebrating our hug when the first drop fell on my nose and then the skies opened up, pouring and soaking us all over. I chuckled and instead of going inside I grabbed Harry’s hand and Liam’s on the way to the centre of the backyard, where I titled my head back and danced in the pouring rain. I heard the boys laughing as Zayn and Niall joined in while the rain continued to fall harder and faster as we continued to dance. Our laughs bounced off the houses and echoed back to us, while the rain hit the rooftops. The first clap of thunder that rolled across the town made us stop in our tracks. I saw Harry looks at us confused as to why we stopped dancing. A flash of purple lightening lit up the sky and set an eerie mood to our lovely afternoon game. Niall groaned, grabbing the ball and opened his back door.

“I’m going to go home with Harry! See you later boys!” I grabbed Harry’s arm, smiling as we ran around Niall’s yard onto the street. Thunder and lightening were flashing everywhere as we ran laughing and smiling, getting whipped with water off the ground and from the air. We finally made it to Harry’s house our smiles huge as our clothes dripped with the amount of rain. “Hey Anne!” I called out as we entered the warm foyer another clap of thunder ringing out behind us. There was no answer so I shrugged figuring that Anne wasn’t home. I turned to Harry, smiling and leaning in for a kiss. Our lips met just as a flash of lightening lit up the foyer, making it seem like real fireworks were going off in the sky. “See you later Haz.” I signed when I pulled away; I reached for the handle when Harry’s hand gripped my arm stopping me.

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