Chapter 2

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AN: just to let you know: just italics is sign language

just bold is when Louis writes

and both bold and italics is Harry’s writing. 


The boy from yesterday had consumed my thoughts. I had thought about why he hadn’t answered me for the rest of the class and even after I had gone home for the night. Even in my sleep the beautiful boy had entered my dreams and gave me a restless and broken sleep. I woke up with purple bags under my eyes because the lack of sleep I had.

“Oh you look terrible Louis!” I looked at my mother, glaring. “And someone work up on the wrong side of the bed.” I sighed and walked away from her into the shower. I was determined to look better for the boy that I had started to obsess over.

Finding my classes was easier now that I knew, somewhat, how to navigate the school. But still somehow I managed to be late for English.

“Well Louis, I see you’re late again!” I sent a sorry smile towards the teacher as I made my way to the back of the class.

“I’m sorry Mr. Craig!” I said when I had finally sat down in the desk beside Liam.

“Way to go mate.” Zayn laughed at me and reached around to slap my back. I stuck my tongue out at him and turned around to face the teacher settling in for a long class.

Throughout the day we noticed that the school was especially hot. It was already hot outside since the heat wave, which was very unusual for this time of year. I was sweating by the time lunch finally came around.

“God math is just the worst.” I sighed and threw my bag on the ground beside the chair. I slumped down into the chair next to Niall and rested my head in my hands. I was over-heating in this dumb school and felt slightly dizzy at the lack of fluids in my body. I put my head down on the table and closed my eyes hoping that the dizziness and nausea would pass.

“Louis, are you okay?” Niall rested his hand on my back and recoiled with the amount of sweat on it. “Just take off your coat man, everyone does when it’s this hot. ” I cringed at the simple solution that I skipped over in my heat-crazed brain. I groaned as I started to take off my blazer. “Better?” I made some sort of noise and Niall snorted through his nose. I lifted my head as another person tapped my shoulder. My eyes adjusted to the bright room and I accepted the water that Liam handed me with a nod. My hands shook as I tried to open the lid of refreshing, cold water. Finally the lid slid open and I drained half of the bottle in one gulp. The water slid down my throat putting out the fire in my body. I sighed at the feeling and the boys looked at me with cocked heads.

“I don’t do well in heat.” I shrugged and the boys laughed at me once again. “Hey!” I laughed with them and we easily slid into a topic about the weather and whether it was going to last through the week. I sure hoped not. The bell rang signaling the end of our lunch period and the beginning of science, meaning one more period until I got to see the strange boy in music class.

My mind couldn’t focus on what the teacher was saying due to both the heat and the boy. I needed to find out his name, I couldn’t remember what the teacher had said and it was frustrating me. I also needed to find out what is wrong with him and I needed to fix him. That was something I had to do, when I saw people hurting or struggling I just felt like I needed to help and to fix people. This boy was not an exception and I felt a burning need to help him.

“Louis? The bell rang.” Niall waved his hand in front of my face and I was startled from my little daydream I had been having. “You were completely gone!” I laughed along with Niall.

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