Chapter 1

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After Kalapradarshan...

In Kunti's Kaksh...

Priyamvada looked worried as she wiped the wet cloth across Kunti's face, dampening her face...

Kunti had fainted while witnessing her sons competing for the title of world's best archer, unknowingly turning against their own sibling...

The iris was moving behind the eyelid as Kunti was fighting against the water she was drowning to wake up... The eyelid felt like the heaviest in the entire universe at that time for her... She recognized Priyamvada's worried pleas for her to wake up which she felt, was coming from afar... Kunti fought against the terror suffocating her. Slowly Kunti's eyes fluttered and sudden light in darkness blinded her ... she shut her eyes tightly ... Forehead wrinkles forming on her beautiful face...

Priyamvada understood what happened and rushed to pull the curtains down, allowing only the sufficient to enter the room... Kunti fully opened her eyes and saw the worried face of her childhood friend who had been with her since she could remember... Kunti smiled faintly...

Kunti was resting against the headrest as she reminisced about what had caused her to faint... Tears slowly filled her eyes and made their way down, smearing her beautiful black kohl

Kunti was sobbing and said "Hey Mahadev, what is happening??? My own sons have become rivals... " Her hands trembled as she supported herself up...

" No, I have to stop them... I can't let this happen" She stood up and was rushing to reach her sons when Priyamvada stood in her path, blocking her...

Kunti: Priyamvada! Move out of the way... I want to see my sons... They need to know the truth... They deserve to know it...

Priyamvada: No princess, I can't let you do this... This will destroy everything...

Kunti: I don't care. All I care is about my sons. You do know how they are... if they got to know that k..karn is their eldest brother after they become rivals than they are now..They will be heartbroken and will never forgive themselves, Priyamvada... Salty Tears made their way from Kunti's eyes were like glaciers and she made no effort to stop them...

But Priyamvada made no attempt to move from her place...

Kunti wiping her tears said: I Need to see them before its too late... Move!

Priyamvada: Princess, What are you doing? Do you not remember why you decided to hide the truth?? Don't you know the consequences which will follow ??!!

Kunti: B..But

Priyamvada: Calm Down, princess. You still have the responsibility of upholding the dignity and pride of Kuntibhoj ... You are the wife of Great Maharaj Pandu who even after his demise continues to live in the hearts of the subjects... my apologizes Kumari but, are you even thinking about his dignity?? Think about it, Princess... Do you think anyone would accept Karn as the crown prince of Hastinapur??

Kunti got angry hearing this and replied in a harsher tone than she intended to: "Karn is my son, Priyamvada! He is the eldest and you did see his valour, right? In the kala Pradarshan...He outsmarted almost all princes of Kuruvansh... Who is more eligible than him, Priyamvada ??!" Kunti took a deep breath and signed and said in a resigned tone " I have lived my life completely being devoted to Arya Putra Pandu... How can you accuse me of such a thing... Maharaj Pandu's dignity and valour will always be my priority and I will dutifully fulfil the responsibilities given to me"

Tears shone in the eyes of Kunti as she talked about her firstborn... Pride showed clearly in her face when talking about his valour and pity for herself for making such a blunder and not disclosing it to her beloved husband... She can't bear the thought of her husband being disappointed and ashamed of her deeds while in heaven...

She mentally apologized a thousand times to Suryadev for not taking care of him blessing ... Her Karn... Who made her a mother... And... She failed him

Kunti had fixed in her mind that she was going to redeem her sin... A knife stabbed into the core of her heart when in the arena, everyone was addressing him as a Suthputra..Huhh They will regret degrading him... He is her son... He is Suryaputra Karn... She took a deep breath to calm herself and wiped her tears away from her face...

Kunti moved forward towards the door when Priyamvada again interrupted her ...

Priyamvada: "Come to your senses, Princess !!! Think... If you disclose the truth now, do you think Pitatmah will accept Karn?? Kumar Duryodhan has made Karn the king of Anga... Your Karn is now Angraj Karn... He is Bhagwan Parashuram's pupil... He'll work hard to make this worth known... The society will respect him for his work...

Princess!... If you go now, No one princess... No one will respect him... They will call him the illegitimate and whatnot... This society will not let him live peacefully and please think about Adiraj and his wife who gave parental love to your karn... what about their dignity and feelings ...

You do know, right, that Bheeshma Pitatmah will go to any extent to uphold the values and dignity of Hastinapur... He may even banish Karn from Hastinapur...

Hastinapur is a powerful kingdom, Kumari... every kingdom under Hastinapur will also won't give him a place to stay... A single decision from you can destroy the peace, dignity and hard work of many Princess...

Please reconsider your decision, Kumari..."

Priyamvada pleaded with Kunti. Tears shone in the eyes of Priyamvada at the thought of what situation her friend was in and fear of what might be the aftermath, if Kunti went forward with her decision... She knows Kunti enough to know that she can be very stubborn when she wants...

Priyamvada watched as a new wave of tears hit Kunti's eyes ... as she watched she saw a shift of emotion in Kunti's eyes...

Kunti with a stern look in her eyes and posture, opened her mouth to answer, when she was again interrupted... But this time it was not Priyamvada ...

It was the thundering sound of the drum announcing the arrival of The great warriors...

Her beloved sons... Her panch Pandavas

As she turned her head towards the door, she made the decision and Priyamvada who was watching Kunti noticed this and fear gripped her like creepers tangling her to the ground...

















Liked the cliffhanger??? 🤗

What do you think, will Kunti disclose the truth?

What will the Pandavas do?

How do think Karn will react if he gets to know?

How did you think the first chapter went??? I cant believe 1095 words in the first chapter itself😲

Votes and comments are most welcome... 💕

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