Chris - sick at night

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Hello again :)

How is everyone??

This was requested by mattgirlys. Thanks so much for the request 💞

Sorry for the wait, I hope you like this one<3

This is not proof read, so if there are any typos please try to ignore them, I'll re-read it at some point, promise!

TW: vomit (as usual :D)


The triplets had gone to bed fairly early today and Chris once again went to sleep in Matt's room. When he woke up in the middle of the night, he looked around confused for a second, before recognizing Matt's familliar room and his eyes took in the outlines of his brother, fast asleep. Chris winced when he realised what had woken him up. His stomach hurt, quite a lot actually.

He thought about checking the time for a second but considering Matt was a light sleeper Chris decided against it. Matt had been annoyed at Nick and him all week, no matter what the two said or did, complaining about being tired every second of every day. Yesterday, they had finally got the time to really talk for the first time in almost two weeks and it didn't take long for Matt to break down, after botteling everything up for weeks. It resulted in tears and was now the reason for their early night.

Chris wasn't really in the mood for comforting an over tired and teary Matt again, especially with his stomach hurting this bad all of sudden, so he got up quietly, being careful not to wake his brother. His plan was to go to the kitchen, chug some Pepto and then go back to bed, hoping he could sleep this stomachache off.

In the hallway he checked his phone. Surpisingly it was only 12.05 am which meant he had been sleeping for barely an hour. Great. Chris kept the lights off, while making his way to their kitchen, opening the cupboard where they kept most of their medicine, which included their magical Pepto Bismol. He used his flashlight to see and make sure he wouldn't accidently take the wrong medicine. Chris grabbed the right bottle from the cupboard and took one serving of it, before grabbing a water from their fridge aswell.

After taking a few sips Chris put the lid back on and put it on their table. He took in a deep breath, one hand resting on his stomach. "What the fuck?" He grumbled under his breath, as his stomach clenched. He shook his head and turned to go back to bed, hoping his stomachache would lessen during the night and the medicine would do it's job. 

Chris made his way back to bed, being as quiet as possible when he entered the room and laid back down on the mattress. Matt stirred slightly and turned around so he was facing Chris, his eyes were still closed while he mumbled: "Chris?" "I just went to the bathroom, go back to sleep." Chris answered quietly, Matt hummed and a few seconds later he was fast asleep again. Chris followed not long after.


The next time Chris woke up, he was upright much quicker than last time, definitely being less careful with staying quiet. He covered his mouth with his hand, as bile rose in his throat. What the fuck? Wasn't Pepto supposed to do the opposite thing?

In the matter of seconds he was up and out of bed, rushing out of the room and almost running into the doorframe. He didn't even get the time to turn on the light in Matt's bathroom, crashing to his knees in front of the toilet immediately. He threw the door close behind him, but it only banged against the frame, not closing fully.

He gagged loudly, feeling far too sick to give two shits about waking anyone at this point. His stomach clenched and he gasped as the first round of vomit left his mouth and splashed into the toilet.

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