Day 34 ||Instagram||

145 13 1

lukeisapenguin: OH WHAT A LOVELY MORNING

umichael: it would be a whole lot nicer if you didn't have to wake me

lukeisapenguin: come on Michael I miss you

lukeisapenguin: let's talkkkkkkk

umichael: but sleeeeeeppppp

lukeisapenguin: but meeeeeeee

umichael: shit fine

umichael: but only bc you're hot

lukeisapenguin: thanks

umichael: so how about that America

lukeisapenguin: it's not too different in America

umichael: except I'm not there which is a major let down

lukeisapenguin: I'm sure America will get on just fine without you

umichael: :(

umichael: you tell me to talk tO YOU AND YOURE BEING MEAN

lukeisapenguin: SORRY

umichael:... sorry for being a liTTLE BITCH

lukeisapenguin: DAMMIT MICHAEL

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