Day 163

69 5 0

umichael: come see me

lukeisapenguin: michael what

umichael: I want to meet you

lukeisapenguin: you know that's not possible

umichael: then I'm coming to you

lukeisapenguin: you can't

umichael: too bad I have a plane ticket already

lukeisapenguin: what

umichael: I leave tomorrow morning

lukeisapenguin: what

umichael: did I stuTTER LUCAS

lukeisapenguin: you're kidding

umichael: I don't lie to those I love

lukeisapenguin: love

umichael: well I mean

umichael: yeah

lukeisapenguin: aaawwWWEEE MICHAEL CAN FEEL

lukeisapenguin: wait michael

lukeisapenguin: do you like me

umichael: Ofc

lukeisapenguin: no like

lukeisapenguin: like me like me

umichael: what are you in 5th grade

lukeisapenguin: answer me Miguel

umichael: yes

umichael: yes I like you

lukeisapenguin: you're coming here

lukeisapenguin: you're flying to the U.S.

umichael: yes I am hemmo

lukeisapenguin: I've always wanted to know what you smell like for some reason

umichael: saME

lukeisapenguin: I kinda smell like teen angst

umichael: okay me

umichael: I'm gonna go pack :)

lukeisapenguin: I'll see you tomorrow :)

umichael: I love that

lukeisapenguin: what?

umichael: the idea of seeing your face without a screen between us

lukeisapenguin: I'm blushing why am I blushing

umichael: I have that affect

lukeisapenguin: I'm so gay

lukeisapenguin: I'm so gay for you

lukeisapenguin: get here sOON

umichael: Jesus Christ when did you decide this

lukeisapenguin: let's see uh idk I'll tell you when you get here I have to go shower and shave and make myself look like gold because right now I'm a trash bag

umichael: you're gold you're always gold

lukeisapenguin: sToP

lukeisapenguin: fuck yoUre sO CuTe

umichael: do I get a dramatic hug at the airport

lukeisapenguin: does a bear shit in the woods

umichael: God bless your soul

lukeisapenguin: by the way

lukeisapenguin: I broke up with Ashton yesterday

umichael: omg what

umichael: what happened

lukeisapenguin: I decided he was holding me back and maybe I really like you and I kinda really wanna kiss your face but you're so far away but now you're coming here and I'm scared

umichael: don't be scared

umichael: kiss my face

lukeisapenguin: if I don't just drop dead when I see you

umichael: Lucas I have to go pack and then get some sleep because in the morning I'll be on my way to you

lukeisapenguin: sleep well

umichael: you too q t pie

lukeisapenguin: "q t pie"

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