Day 37 |Instagram|

191 10 3

umichael: Luke

umichael: lukeluke

umichael: capTIAN


lukeisapenguin: Michael, it is 4 am where I live now whaT HOLY SHIT THE PICTURE

umichael: what about it captain

lukeisapenguin: can we drop that nickname please God

umichael: can you stop being a lil bitch

lukeisapenguin: Jfc Michael

umichael: I'm horny

lukeisapenguin: what do you want me to do about it

umichael: teleport to Australia and smd

lukeisapenguin: yanasty

umichael: I'd suck your dick

lukeisapenguin: I'd scream

umichael: damn right

lukeisapenguin: I meant I'd scREAM FOR HELP YOU KINKY BASTARD

umichael: help you wit that wood tho

lukeisapenguin: I am so done

umichael: done with being a lil bitch

lukeisapenguin: michaeL FIND YOUR CHILL PLS

umichael: my chill is so far up your ass I'll have to use my dick

lukeisapenguin: I'll get right on that kthxbai

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