Older & Wiser - One Shot

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Lexi's POV.

"Tell Michael that his article needs to be finished by 2pm, Caroline's orders," I ask Cherise as I'm passing her desk.

"What, why me? Why can't she email him?"

"Because your desk is right next to his and she has already emailed him, he just never looks at his bloody phone," I reply, rolling my eyes. "I've left a sticky note on his monitor but please tell him, 2pm."

"2pm," she mutters. "Fine."

I keep walking along the corridor. Jen waves me over and I slip into her office.

"Wow, this is looking good."

She steps back to admire her work on the mannequin.

"It is, isn't it?" She rubs her chin. "Do you think it needs another pop of colour or is it enough as it is?"

"I think you're good as is. Maybe try it and see if it's too much, it's hard to imagine with a lot going on."

"Okay, I'll do that. Tell Caroline it'll be ready by 5."

"Perfect, thanks!"

I leave her office and swing by Kent's to check his article will be done by 5 also. When I've done my rounds, I head for Caroline's office. Caroline Baldwin, Editor and Chief of the magazine I work for.

She's currently in a meeting with the magazine's owner, deliciously handsome and devilishly charming, Zane Surrey. I spot him through the glass doors and quickly fix my hair in the shiny surface. Caroline notices me hovering at the door and waves me in. Zane stands up from where he has been casually sitting on her desk. His eyes widen when he sees me and his lips twitch with a repressed smile.

"I'm sorry to interrupt."

"Not at all," Caroline brushes me off with a flick of her hand. "We were just finishing. Anything else, Zane?"

"Nope, it sounds like everything is going smoothly," he responds in his deep, does-naughty-things-to-me voice. It's like golden treacle running slowly over your tongue, sweet and sinfully good.

"Good to see you, Alexa," he says, nodding in my direction.

He gives me a private smile and lets himself out of the office. I watch him go for just a second too long, Caroline notices and her eyes narrow in on me.

"A little old for you, don't you think Alexa?"

I clear my throat and give her a secretive smile.

"Of course. Sorry, let me fill you in..."

I spend the next hour with my boss, going through the final checks before the release of the next edition of our magazine, then she sends me off to collect her lunch.

The rest of the day is running around after her, completing my never-ending list of tasks until finally, when 6pm rolls around, I'm finished and flopped at my desk.

Nearly everyone else has gone home. The only other person is Caroline, who is still in her office, meditating to end her day. I slowly sit up and roll my shoulders.

I need to go home.

I grab my things, wave goodbye to Caroline and then take the stairs down to the foyer. I nod at the security guard and walk three minutes to the tube station.

Twelve minutes later, I get off at my stop and walk five minutes to my flat. My heart lifts as I spot the most handsome man leaning against the door to the building, a bag of takeout in one hand. He smirks at me as I approach.

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