Part 5

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Leah's POV:

Because me and some of the girls were going to watch the rugby match tomorrow we decided to have a sleepover at mine after training. Which ended up being an interrogation from Beth, Viv, Katie, Jen and Alessia.
"So want to tell us what's going on with you and Ash, Leah?" Jen questioned as the six of us sat down on my sofas, all eyes suddenly looking at me.
"Erm, nothing is going on, I think?" Muttering the last bit more to myself than the others.
"You sure about that? Seems to be a lot of blushing and winking at each other." Beth added as I felt my cheeks begin to go warm.
"Maybe there's something on my end but, she winked at Katie today as well!" Trying not to get jealous just thinking about it. Jealous? No, I'm not jealous!
"Yeah but that was clearly teasing due to the comment I made about the odd shaped balls they use, definitely not meant in the same way she winks at you!" The Irish brunette defended my attempt at deflecting.
"Ugh fine, m-maybe, I have a small crush on her, and I mean small!" I mean who wouldn't? Looks wise she's hot! And her personality keeps getting better the more I get to know her. But is it too early to even be crushing?
"I knew it!" "Told ya!" "You owe me £20 Beth!" The group all shouted at once knocking me from my thoughts. Hang on!
"Wait why does she owe to £20?!"
"Err, well we kinda had a bet to see if you two would get together" McCabe sheepishly said as she rubbed the back of her neck.
"Hang on we aren't even together yet!" I protested not realising my mistake.
"Exactly McCabe, they're not together!" Beth piped up.
"Ha! She said yet, there's still time Mead!" Soon losing her shy behaviour.
"Right let's leave poor Leah alone and watch some films". Viv came to my rescue clearly seeing the internal struggle I'm having.
"Come on Leah let's go get some snacks from the kitchen" Viv added pulling me away.

As I'm waiting for the popcorn that's currently in the microwave Viv breaks the silences
"You know, Ash seems like a good lass. Want my advice?" I quickly nodded.
"Take it as it comes, so get to know her and if it works it works, don't put pressure on yourself, especially this early on. It'll give you time to understand your feelings".
"Thanks Viv, I really needed to hear that". I smiled giving her a hug.
"Right come on let's go watch some films!"

Buzz buzz

Waking up to a message coming through on my phone, I stretched noticing the rest of the girls sprawled out on the sofas knowing we were too lazy and comfy to move so we slept downstairs. Remembering I had a message I checked my phone.

Ash Smash💪🏼:
Morning love, hope you slept well? I've got you six seats reserved for you that are behind our subs bench. Can't wait to see you x

Ughh! She's so cute, and her calling me love? Does that mean anything or I'm pretty sure it's a thing people from Yorkshire call everyone? Oh I don't know!

Morning Ash Smash! I slept well did you? Thank you for the seats. I can't wait to see you too! X

Ash Smash💪🏼:
Oh no, don't you start as well with that name! And don't worry about the seats, anything to see your beautiful face again😉x

Oh by the way one of the staff members will meet you by the entrance and take you to your seats. I've got to set off now so I'll see you soon love x

Did she just call me beautiful? Well my face beautiful? Which means me? Ugh I already have butterflies just thinking about her!

"Ah, I presume your Miss Williamson?" A older woman asked as we approached the entrance to the rugby stands.
"Hi, yes that's me". I answered smiling politely.
"Perfect, Ash has reserved some seats for you and your friends, if you'll follow me". After following the staff member we arrived at our seats which were right behind the subs bench for the home team. Once we settled and grabbed some drinks we looked on to the pitch noticing Ash speaking with the ref and the other teams captain.
"I'm excited! I've not been to a rugby match in a while!" Jen smiled as the rest of us agreed.

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