18~ She agrees to marry him

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Harsh pov :

When she ran from my hold I want to haunt her down and kiss her until this thirsty feeling exhaust from my heart

But I stop myself because I already spoil a lot by seeing her in that way
By wanting her to be with me

I punched on the nearby wall, understanding what I am thinking how can I be this affected by her


Just whyyyyy

She is related to Rajdev whom I want to kill in a very painful way to punish him for what he did to my mother

I leave for my chamber next morning I resist myself from making any interaction with her
And It's annoying me that shee didn't do anything for what I said and did last night

Why she is not punishing me
Why she is not saying be in your limit or don't cross the line

Fuck my mind instead of being grateful that she is also ignoring me

I feel frustrated
Since the morning I am with her
But she is behaving like this

Suddenly an announcement held that everyone should present in court room
She start to walk in court room direction I follow her close behind

Everyone settles at their places
Bhudev also didn't leave till now don't know why he is still here and why Rajdev didn't come yesterday what they are planning

" I want to announce very happy news with my kingdom"
He said happily

What it could be

"Our princess is going to marry  the prince of pratapgarh" he stated

Everything seems blurr in front of me I feels like someone pulled the rug under my feet

But she said she need time
How can she say yes
She just met him yesterday
Is she that much impressed by him that she said yes this immediately

Everyone is happy Bhudev comes close to King and she also stands up and walk with him

With every step she takes with him it feels like someone jabbing knives in my heart
But why

They both stand by the king he put his hand and give them blessing

Why every single thing I love gets away from me

Everyone is happy but here I am standing with a pain in my chest it feels like there is a burning hole there.

" Our princess going to marry prince by the end of this month . So give them your blessings " he finished his sentence and also finished the remaining courage in me to stand inact

The court dispersed and she start to walk past me to the corridor but before I can say something

"I didn't think you would agree with this early and insist on marrying me early by the next month " Bhudev said with a ugly smile on his face while walking in her direction
And came to stand near her.

She smiled at him and nodded to him

"I think I should leave as there are a lot to prepare" she said, turn and start to leave .

Bhudev turned in my direction
"Listen I think there is something wrong with her she said to marry by the end of this month keep an eye on her ." He says to me
Ohh in all this I forget that
According to them I am fucking here as to confirm their marriage from the very starting.

I nodded with my cleanched molar
I wonder that they didn't break by that force .

Hello buttercupps 💖
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