I know my place

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When invited to a party,

when walking with a person and another greets us,

when deciding on a hangout time,

when asked to pose,

when it's buddy-pairing time,

and in awkward silences, where someone has to break the ice.

I know my place when a person says hi,

when we're asked to share jokes,

when teased and complemented.

My place resides downstairs, next to bad luck,

my roommate should complain about the noise,

from Anxiety next door, but she is barely home,

Going on the circus tours,

Returns home with a new magic trick.

Last night, she managed to make herself invisible.

We talked the whole night about how Funny it was,

New additions on the bucket list were made,

When Thinking came to borrow a book,

she looked at me like I was insane,

She went overboard how I am the Weirdest one con the block.

I am sure she has met my friend Clumsy,

She must have told her about the times.

we were mistaken for each other,

How we avoid big buffets to not embarrass ourselves,

How we like to hang out with Shy,

And we lock ourselves in her room,

How we avoid big crowds yet love to dance

To that song, "Demons"

The beat takes over, we forget who we are,

for a moment, we're not awkward or weird,

With no labelled tags

just dancing souls that understand,

that sometimes, in the rhythm,

We found our place out of this world.


A little love for all you here...You are loved and cherished.

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