We all catch a glimpse of a love scene,
It sneaks in, whether in a guy or a girl,
Not always a full movie reel,
Just snippets, even in horrors and thrillers.
Why, you ask?
Because, my friend, we're all human,
And love, well, that's our rawest part.
No matter how hard we try to evade,
It bounces back, no holds barred.
We often find ourselves drawn,
Falling for someone, a little crush perhaps,
Sometimes, if we're lucky, they love us too.
Isn't it odd how we wish for a loophole?
But love doesn't follow nature's law.
Those we chase often find shelter elsewhere,
Hence, there's always a reacher and a settler.
The Words I Never Got To Say
PoetryThis is where silence transforms into poetry, where emotions find their home on paper. Immerse yourself in the world of unspoken confessions and let these words, too intimate to be voiced, touch your heart.