Re-Inheritance of the Shadows

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Irudex, the Alien Mefilas who had helped Yapool attack the world of Ultraman X. Despite being a powerful being, the use of Devil Splinters made him highly uneasy. He was powerful, but he was not a fool. Messing with something like the fragments of a being like Belial was off the table for him, but not for his master. He had his cameras turned to an unidentified city in Japan, where Yapool was conducting his test under the cover of night. He wasn't one to show concern, though. If even his master was tampering with forces beyond his control, it wasn't his problem. "I almost had a terrible run-in with those Devil Splinters... they made me lose my reason... they made me someone I was not. My higher mental function had allowed me to escape that. I cannot rely on luck to free myself if it happens again." He turned back to the cameras to observe what his master was doing.

Yapool was out of sight of the normal people there, but visible on the Mefilas' cameras. He began raising some ruins in the middle of the city. A perfect spot to draw attention. He had everything prepared for this mad experiment, but had to be patient for the morning when more people could watch... and become collateral damage. An ancient pyramid rose out of the ground with a pillar on each of the four corners. "Yes... YES! RISE!" Yapool wanted to make sure that the Ultraman within the pyramid would revive when the sun rises... but with the Devil Splinter's influence. He sent the Devil Splinter into the pyramid which was nothing but a weird orange glow to the few people walking below. Should this experiment succeed, or if it ended catastrophically, he would be happy with the result either way. An evil Ultraman rampaging and destroying the very thing that real Ultras protect, or in the case of an experimental failure - causing an Ultraman's very being to break down. It was practically a win-win for Yapool, especially with some of the modifications he made to the Devil Splinter. All he needed to know is if it worked... 


Later that day (in the morning), as Daichi was cloaked, he entered the scene to check what was going on. He made sure to not wear any part of his uniform so as to keep his identity more hidden, especially if the other Xio members were investigating as well. "X... you said there were readings similar to Tiga's... alongside strong Devil Splinter readings. What could this mean...?"

X blinked and notified Daichi of another strange energy reading. "It seems similar to Golza's. A pyramid appearing overnight, this has got to be a challenge from Yapool. It can't be anything else." The X Devizer began beeping. "The Golza-like readings are growing stronger!" A horrific screech permeated the air. As it did, the four pillars around the pyramid began cracking. Everyone else began to run, but not Daichi or X. They knew they had to answer this challenge.

Daichi heard the sound of the Sky and Space Musketty units arriving, so he had to hold off. He didn't want to give off any more signals indicating that he was here, so he went into a nearby building and hid in it, speaking to himself. "Come on... you guys can't be here! It's not safe!" He chose to run up the building's flight of stairs, waiting on a higher up floor and resting there. He stood, watching as an Ultra-Ancient Dragon formed out of a mystical pocket dimension and entered the world. It began flying around and using eye lasers to blast at buildings. Daichi observed the pillars crumbling into rubble, nervously tapping his hand on his leg. He wanted to interfere and to do something, but he couldn't let himself be spotted and get taken back, thus endangering the rest of the team. 

X accessed some images of the Pacific Records to see what was happening. "Melba... that's the name of that kaiju. And it seems that there was an ancient Giant of Light who had sealed it away, much like how Zaigorg was sealed... and he's residing in that pyramid. I have a feeling that I know what Yapool is planning, and I don't like it one bit." The Sky and Space Muskettys were trying to lead Melba out of the area to no avail. It didn't seem to be affected by the residual Devil Splinter energy in the area, except for the fact that it was stubbornly staying in the area no matter what Hayato and Wataru were doing.

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