- chapter two

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they're never gonna be like you, though..

AN ANNOYED Kailani sat with a bored look, occasionally glancing at the person who was annoying her with hopes he would get the hint and stop

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AN ANNOYED Kailani sat with a bored look, occasionally glancing at the person who was annoying her with hopes he would get the hint and stop.

Cee sat next to her, slightly slouched over as a plate of hot wings sat in his lap.

He smacked his lips every time he took a bite, and would dramatically say how good they were every couple bites.

His fingers were covered in the sauce and ranch, making Kailani grow disgusted overall.

She let him enjoy his food, trying her best to tune him out as she went on her phone.


Kailani's head went up again, seeing a boy who she knew as Cee's friend, walking towards them. following behind him, was Loren, making a smile come to her face.

"you big bitch." Loren laughed, shaking her head as she pointed down at Cee who continued to eat his hot wings.

He mugged her, waving his hand in a way to tell her to go on. he put his hand out towards his friend, trying to dap him up but pausing and laughing at his friend who took a step back.

"it's clean, bruh." Cee glanced at his friend that he had just cleaned with a napkin.

His friend shook his head, "nah.."

Kailani snickered, watching as Cee shrugged, dropping his hand.

Cees friend, Zayn, turned to Kailani at the sound of the laugh. his eyebrows raised a little, and he put his hand out, "yo, Kailani."

She gave him a closed lipped smile, dapping him up. "Zayn."

"how you been?" he asked the girl, watching as her eyes traveled up from her hand to his eyes.

"okay." she nodded, glancing over at Loren who smirked, giving her a knowing look.

Kailani shook her head, already knowing what was going through her friends mind.

Loren swears that Zayn has a 'thing' for Kailani. she told her that it was just easy to tell, by the way he looked at her and always found a way to talk to her anytime they were in the same place.

And the fact he was always trying to touch her. whether it was dapping her up, tapping her arm to speak to her, or a simple greeting or goodbye hug.

Though, Kailani told her that she looked too deep into things.

Zayn sat next to Cee, the two falling into conversation.

Kailani looked up, noticing how the sun was starting to go down and the sky was now a pink-ish color. her eyes traveled to the group of boys that was near them, unknowingly searching for a specific person.

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