- chapter 3

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and still in my head about —

LOW MUSIC played on kailanis phone sitting near her on her vanity, as she stood staring at herself and fixing her straightened hair

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LOW MUSIC played on kailanis phone sitting near her on her vanity, as she stood staring at herself and fixing her straightened hair.

the window in her room was open, making her hair blow every so often from the wind.

Kailanis little sister, Kennedy, sat near the window, her head resting on her hand as she stared down at the streets and the people outside.

The two girls had an age gap of many years, but Kailani didn't mind spending time with her or watching her whenever her mom was busy.

Kennedy tended to be calm and content, and she wasn't a lot of work, which made watching after her much easier than it would be with a lot of other kids her age.

Kailani turned around to her sister, "you ready?"

Kennedy nodded, "was waiting on you." she mumbled, making Kailani chuckled as she stuck her hand out for her sister to grab.

The girls walked out of their home, and down to the side walk.

The sounds of loud music, yelling, and the cars passing was much louder now, making Kennedy clutch onto Kailanis hand.

Kai glanced down at her younger sister, pushing her to the other side of her so she wasn't close to the street, before grabbing her hand once again.

Kennedy looked ahead of her, a smile coming to her face as she watched a few boys rap loudly to the music being played, pointing their fingers in the cameras that were recording them.

she watched smoke blow in the air from the blunts being passed around, finding herself interested.

"Kai, can we go over there?" Kennedy spoke, pointing over to the boys.

Kailanis eyebrows furrowed, "what? no."

Kennedy smacked her lips, slowly trying to let go of her hand to be petty.

Ethan, who was apart of the group of boys Kennedy was staring at, sat down on the stairs of the random apartment building they were in front of, feeling himself grow out of breath.

He rested his arms on his legs, feeling his eyes drift from the group in front of him, and to the two girls who were walking near them.

He watched Kailani grab onto her sister, laughing as the younger girl tried to pull away from her with an annoyed look.

Kailani wore an oversized hoodie that seemed to lay perfectly, and leggings.

it was simple, but it looked perfect on her.

He squinted his eyes, running his tongue over his bottom lips as his eyes followed the girls with every step they took.

He noticed how Kennedy kept looking towards the group he was with, and smiled.

He pushed himself up, slightly jogging to catch up with the girls.

"yo, Kailani!"

Kailani felt her heart slightly drop, her heart beat immediately speeding up as she grew nervous from hearing the familiar voice call her name.

Kennedy turned before her, a smile coming back to her face as she watched Ethan walk up to them.

Kailani squinted her eyes, watching Notti smile at her little sister as he stuck his hand out for her to grab. "what's good, Kennedy?" He laughed.

He reached down, picking the girl up as his eyes shifted over to Kailani who stood silently.

"how you been, Kailani?" he asked, a smile resting on his face as he looked at her.

Kailani stared at him, feeling herself question why he was talking for her for the first time in months.

"good." she nodded.

he pursed his lips, nodding.

Kennedy looked between the two as Ethan put her down, and she smiled at her older sister as she noticed she was nervous.

Notti began making small talk, and Kailani felt awkward, trying not to show that she was nervous while talking to him.

"— nah, but i saw you was at my show." he smiled.

she nodded, "Cee wanted me to go."

"should've went to the back with him." he told her.

His eyes were low, and he kept eye contact every time he walked to her. he was taller than her, causing Kailani to have to slightly look up.

Due to how close the boy stood, she could smell his cologne.

"yo, Notti!" the two heard, causing Notti to stop talking and both of them look over at the group of boys who were waving him over.

"aight, imma see you around, Lani." Ethan spoke, pulling her into a hug.

Kailanis stomach turned, finally feeling the feeling she had been craving for months.

She watched him walk back to the group, before turning and sighing to herself as her and Kennedy started walking again.

"you like him." Kennedy smirked, poking Kailanis leg.

Kailani shook her head, waving her off even though she knew she still did, and a lot.

it wasn't much longer before the two reached the park, kailani sitting at one of the tables as Kennedy ran to the playground.

She laid her head on her hand, feeling herself zone out as she started thinking on the moments Notti her shared.

she wondered why he decided to come up to her out of no where, we he had been seeing her since the moment the two stopped talking and had only been looking at her.

she tapped her fingers on the table, letting out a huff as she felt her thoughts were too much.

she was overthinking their encounter from a few minutes ago, and thinking on every other memory they had together, and remembering how it used to not feel awkward.

she missed how it used to be.


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