- chapter four

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you're still everything i want and..

CEE'S HOUSE was smokey from the amount of smoke being blown in the air all around his home

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CEE'S HOUSE was smokey from the amount of smoke being blown in the air all around his home.

there was a good amount of people standing around with cups in their hands, and trying to talk louder than the loud music that was being played.

overall, Kailani had a headache.

she shrugged off the annoyed feeling she had from the headache, tapping on the cup that was in her hand.

she felt someone roughly grab her hand and pull her towards them, causing her to almost spill the alcohol that was in her cup.

Alaina grabbed onto her waist, singing the lyrics of the song that was playing throughout the house loudly, before turning around and twerking on her.

Loren cheered, clapping her hands as Kailani laughed, placing her hand on Alaina's waist.

eventually the three parted, and Kailani headed to the living room in hopes she could find a place to sit, finding herself grow light headed.

"aye," Zayn grabbed onto her wrist, quickly stopping her as she almost walked past. "hey, Kailani."

"hi, Zayn." Kailani smiled at him, folding her lip inwards into a straight line at the fact he had stopped her.

"i ain't seen you this whole time, where you been at?" he asked, stopping holding onto her wrist gently.

she pointed over to the spot her and her friends just were, making him simply nod.

his eyes trailed down her entire figure, smiling. his hand swiftly moved from her wrist and to her hand, grabbing onto it and raising it, "you look good, mami."

Kailanis eyebrows raised at the nickname, feeling caught of guard. "thank you." she smiled, feeling her face get hot as he spun her around.

his hand never left hers, as he continued to talk to her. more so, tried to make small talk.

Kailani listened the best she could, not being able to hear him much due to the music being played.

Zayns words got cut off as Jayclickin walked up to them, a cup in his hand and his ski pulled up to sit just above his lips.

Zayn let go of her hand, dapping Jay up.

"oh, what's good, Kailani?" Jay spoke, sticking his arm out to bring her into a side hug.

"hi, Jay." she spoke, smelling both the alcohol and weed scents on him, causing her nose to scrunch at the harsh mixture.

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