- chapter 9

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ZAYN WAS pissed

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ZAYN WAS pissed.
he and kailani had spent weeks together, nonstop. it was known to a lot of people that zayn had a liking for the girl, but over the time they had spent hanging out, she had grown actual feelings for her.

and after awhile, he felt as if she had felt the same way.

the way she never pushed him off of her, the way she would continuously laugh at whatever he said, and the way she never said anything anytime anyone would ask if they were a couple.

she would look at him, her cheeks slightly pink, with her lips folded in a straight line.

it was almost as if she was in class, the teacher had asked her a question she didn't know the answer to, and she was looking around for help to spare herself the embarrassment.

but here he stood, in the backyard of her home, watching as ethan draped his arms over her shoulder, his chin resting on his head as she was playfully arguing with darrian.

the scene looked familiar, because zayn had been the one that had his arms wrapped around her.

kailani had exchanged and exact amount of two words to him the entire time he had been there, and hadn't even been around him much.

it was like she was keeping her distance, and staying in a small bubble with notti always four feet away from her.

like he was guarding her, or something.

it annoyed him. how could the two go from barely speaking, to being all over each other in a span of a week?

how could kailani be so forgiving?

he just didn't understand.

and he was getting more frustrated, as kailani laughed, gently grabbing onto nottis arms that were still around her, her head slightly turning as she glanced at zayn.

it seemed almost like she was trying to get him to see— to rub it in.

but that was zayns own feelings.

almost the entire time kailani and zayn had spent getting closer, kailani felt confused.

zayn was an attractive boy, and he had a lot of great qualities— but no matter how much he would wrap himself around her, compliment her, or ask to spend time with her, ethan was in the back of her mind.

she believed the heart wants what i wants, and she was almost sure, it wasn't zayn.

but for awhile she tried to push those feelings to the side, not wanting to feel so stuck on ethan if he wasn't worried about her at all.

if he was hanging out with a bunch of girls, kailani not even crossing his mind once— so should she.

but it felt wrong for her.

being with zayn, having his arms around her instead of nottis— it all just felt wrong.

and she was sure it was because she had always hoped it would be ethan, in the end.

no matter how much time it took. which also confused her, because she couldn't understand her own feelings.

what was it about ethan that had her so stuck? why did she want to wait for him, even if nothing would change and even after he hurt her? why him?

"ddot, it's right there!" kailani huffed. she pointed in the direction of where her parents had sat a box of small bags of chips, for the fourth time.

darrian's head turned as she followed her finger, his eyes squinted, before his mouth fell open and he nodded. "thank you, my heart."

she shook her head, while ethan laughed, raising his chin from her head.

he moved from leaning on her, and to sitting next to her. his eyes trailed down her, as she paid attention to her little sister who was talking to her parents.

he wrapped his arm around her waist, slightly bringing her closer to him. "you look pretty, mama." he mumbled near her ear.

her hair was natural— curly. and put into a half up, half down hairstyle. she was wearing a pink essentials hoodie, and slightly baggy jeans, with pinks dunks. the necklace that said her name, that she never took off.

and he could smell the sweet, but warm, vanilla perfume she always wore, and he secretly loved.

kailani felt her stomach turn, her body almost tense. she felt pathetic, getting so nervous over a simple compliment. but it was the first time she'd heard that in months, and she hadn't realized how much she missed it.

her skin was slightly pink, and with her trying to bite back a huge grin, her dimples popped out. "thank you, notti." she mumbled, her nervousness visible.

he let out a chuckle, nudging her. "why you so nervous?"

she went to open her mouth, but was cut off as she yelled for her little sister to go over to them.

her eyes followed kennedy, and she watched as the little girl hugged her jacket closer to her body as she jogged over to them. "what?" she asked, her face pink from the cold air hitting it.

kailani turned to ethan, watching as a kid-ish smile spread across his face as he dug in his pockets, pulling out a bag of airheads.

kailanis smile grew wider, getting a giddy feeling at the fact he had kept his promise.

kennedy smiled, taking the airheads while saying a thank you. "you actually got them?"

"told you i would." he chuckled, watching as she jogged back to her parents.

"ethan!" kailani heard her mother shout, making both of their heads turn to her. she was holding the bag of candy, making notti purse his lips, slowly shrugging. "aye, she asked!"

kailanis mother chuckled, waving him off.

lani smiled at the interaction, before her head turned to the back door of her home. she saw zayn going inside, his head shaking.

her eyebrows furrowed, and she debated going after him to see if he was leaving and if so, why.

but she stayed in her spot, silently deciding against it as she made a mental note to ask him about it later on.

SLUMPEDDPDIDNT PROOF READ!! heyy guys it's been awhile, how we feelin?

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heyy guys it's been awhile, how we feelin?



should i tell this fine ahh boy happy birthday?? 😓😓 he's kinda rude so idk y'all

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20 ⏰

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