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As Freddie and Carly embrace impending parenthood, Carly's excitement is tinged with concern as a week passes without word from Sam. The absence weighs on her, creating a mix of emotions amid the joy of their journey into parenthood.

Freddie wakes up to Carly's beaming smile, and she excitedly declares, "Freddie, I'm having cravings already! I could really go for some pickles and ice cream right now."

Freddie chuckles, "Pickles and ice cream? Classic craving combo. I'll make a quick grocery run, anything else you're craving, Carly?"

Carly grins, "Maybe some chocolate chip cookies, too. And a side of spicy buffalo wings. Pregnancy cravings are like a wild menu."

Freddie heads towards the door, "Alright, pickles, ice cream, cookies, and buffalo wings. Got it. You sure you're not ordering a whole restaurant menu?"

Carly laughs, "Hey, blame it on the little one in here. It's like they're already planning their favorite meals!"

Freddie teases, "Our baby has quite the sophisticated taste, then. I'll be back soon with the culinary treasures."

As Freddie leaves, Carly's phone buzzes. She checks it and her expression changes. "Hmm, still no word from Sam. It's been a week. Hope she's okay."

Freddie returns, arms laden with bags. "Craving central is now open!"

Carly: (smiles), "Thanks, Freddie. By the way, any luck getting in touch with Sam?"

Freddie sighs, "No, still nothing. I'll try again. Maybe she's just caught up in something."

Carly nods, concern in her eyes, "Yeah, I hope so. Let's dig into these cravings and then figure out what's up with Sam."

Freddie: (agrees), "Sounds like a plan. Pickles, ice cream, cookies, and wings - a feast fit for a growing family."

Carly, while munching on a pickle, turns to Freddie with a worried expression, "Freddie, I can't shake off this concern about Sam. It's not like her to be out of touch for so long. Do you think something might be wrong?"

Freddie m:(pauses), putting down a bag of cookies, "I share your worry, Carly. I've tried reaching out, but no response. Maybe she's just busy, but a week is unusual."

Carly sighs, "I hope she's okay. You remember Shane, right? Have you heard from him recently? Wondering if Sam's been in touch with him."

Freddie furrows his brow, "Come to think of it, no, I haven't heard from Shane either. Now I'm starting to get a bit concerned too. Sam and Shane both silent at the same time is... odd."

Carly: (nods), "We should try reaching out to Shane. Maybe he knows something about Sam's whereabouts or what's going on."

Freddie agrees, "Yeah, good idea. I'll give him a call after we indulge in this feast of cravings. Maybe they're both just caught up in something big."

Carly: (smiles weakly), "Let's hope so. It's just weird, you know? Feels like a double mystery – Sam's silence and Shane being off the radar."

Freddie: (reassures), "We'll figure it out, Carly. For now, let's enjoy our cravings and then dive into solving the mystery of the missing friends."

Carly, with a hint of worry, shares with Freddie, "Freddie, the last time I heard from Sam was when she stayed that week you were away for your job project. She mentioned her and Shane planning to move into an apartment together."

Freddie looks puzzled, "Really? She didn't mention that to me before or after I got back. I wonder why."

Carly frowns, "It's odd, right? We were all excited about it. But then, radio silence. No updates, no messages. I'm getting concerned, Freddie."

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