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The next morning, Carly and Freddie wake up to a new day filled with anticipation and love. With the sun streaming through the window, they begin their routines, knowing that each day brings them closer to their wedding and the arrival of their little one. As they navigate the challenges and joys of parenthood, they cherish the unique bond that has evolved from their iCarly days to the present. The final part of their story unfolds as they continue to build a life together, surrounded by love, laughter, and the promise of a beautiful future.

Carly, waking up, greets Freddie with a smile, saying, "Good morning, babe. And good morning to our little mini-us."

Freddie, rubbing his eyes, responds, "Good morning, Carly. Our little one already getting a shoutout."

Carly, with a playful tone, adds, "Well, they're part of the morning crew too. What's the plan for today?"

Freddie, stretching, says, "How about a lazy morning, maybe some breakfast in bed, and then we can tackle some wedding planning?"

Carly nods, "Sounds perfect. Let's enjoy the calm before the wedding storm."

As they start their day with warmth and excitement, Carly and Freddie look forward to the moments that lie ahead in their journey as partners, parents, and soon-to-be newlyweds.

Freddie suggests, "Maybe we can go out to eat this evening, Carly. A little dinner date to break up the wedding planning?"

Carly, liking the idea, responds, "That sounds lovely, Freddie. It's a nice way to unwind and have some quality time together. Any particular place in mind?"

Freddie, thinking, says, "How about that Italian place we used to go to? It's been a while."

Carly smiles, "Perfect. I'm craving some pasta. It's a date then!"

As they add a touch of romance to their day, Carly and Freddie eagerly anticipate their evening dinner date, savoring the joy of spending quiet moments together amidst the bustling excitement of wedding preparations.

Freddie, checking in with Carly, asks, "How are you feeling today?"

Carly responds with a smile, "Actually, I'm feeling really good today. No morning sickness or anything. It's a nice change."

Freddie, relieved, says, "That's great to hear. Maybe today can be a laid-back day for us."

Carly nods, "I'd like that. A day without surprises or unexpected feelings sounds perfect."

As they appreciate the simplicity of a good day, Carly and Freddie embrace the positive moments, looking forward to the calm before the storm of wedding preparations.

Freddie, wanting to be attentive, says to Carly, "Want me to make breakfast for you, my love?"

Carly, appreciating the gesture, replies, "That sounds wonderful, Freddie. Surprise me with something delicious."

Freddie, heading to the kitchen with a grin, says, "Consider it done. I'll whip up a breakfast fit for a queen."

As they share this sweet morning moment, Carly and Freddie continue to find joy in the simple acts of love that enrich their relationship.

Freddie, in the kitchen, is busy making Carly's favorite breakfast, with an extra touch.

Freddie, turning to Carly, says, "I'm making your favorite breakfast, and I added a little extra treat for your favorite snack—strawberries."

Carly, with a delighted expression, responds, "You're spoiling me, Freddie. I love it! Breakfast and dessert, you know the way to my heart."

Freddie, setting the table, grins, "Anything for my favorite girl. Get ready for a delicious surprise."

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